Namūżaj Wasīlah al-Biṭaqah ar-Rubā‘iyyah Fī Ta‘Līm al-Mufradāt al-‘Arabiyyah Prototype of Media Quartet Card in teaching Arabic vocabulary Section Articles


Hilda Sya'adah
Siti Jubaidah
Muhammad Kamal Bin Abdul Hakim


This research is motivated by students' difficulties and lack of interest in learning Arabic. This is because the media used by teachers during teaching and learning activities are still inadequate, teachers still use traditional media such as textbooks, and blackboards only, this is what makes students feel that Arabic lessons are difficult lessons to understand and there is no interest in learning them. Seeing from the existing problems, this research aims to develop a quartet card learning media model by developing interactive, effective, and fun Arabic learning media. The method used in this research is the Research and Development (R&D) method with the ADDIE model (Analyze, Design, Development, Implement, and Evaluate).

The results of this study are a quartet card consisting of 2 subject matter, namely material about professions and sports. The learning media in this study received a score of 98% and included the category "Very Feasible" in the assessment of material experts, then this learning media received a score of 95% and included the category "Very Feasible" in the assessment of media experts, and at the product evaluation stage through a questionnaire given to students obtained a score of 96% and this result was included in the "very feasible" category. Therefore, the use of the quartet card media model in learning Arabic vocabulary for grade VIII students is appropriate and interesting.



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