
Inarotud Dujja
Nailur Rahmawati


Mujarab (Javanese-Arabic Dictionary) is a website-based online thematic dictionary
used to support the Arabic speaking skills of  Senior High School students.
This research was motivated by problems in Senior High School students in
Pati who still have difficulty in learning Arabic, especially in speaking skills. This
difficulty is caused by the lack of vocabulary mastered by students. One of the media
that can be used to increase student vocabulary is a dictionary. Then researchers
developed a website-based online thematic dictionary called "Mujarab" using two
languages, namely Javanese and Arabic. Javanese was chosen because Javanese is
the language of instruction in learning. In addition, the Javanese language serves as
a preservation of Javanese culture and as a medium for instilling character and
politeness values towards students. The problems studied in this study are: 1) How to
analyze the needs of Mujarab development, 2) How to design Mujarab, 3) and How
to validate experts and teachers against Mujarab. This research uses a qualitative
approach with research and development (R&D) design. The research model uses the
ADDIE model without using the implementation stage. The subjects of the study
were teachers and grade X students at MA Sunan Prawoto and SMA Muhammadiyah
3 Kayen with sample selection techniques using purposive sampling techniques, and
data collection techniques using interviews, questionnaires, and documentation. The
results of this research are: 1) Teachers and students want the development of
Mujarab; 2) This efficacious design has several features, namely Homepage,
vocabulary, expressions; dialogues, exercises, aphorisms, exercises, instructions, and
profiles; 3) The assessment of Mujarab in the aspect of language and material
feasibility obtained an average score of 45,4, while in the media aspect obtained an
average score of 43.2. The total average score of Mujarab is 88,6 with a very decent
category, so it can be used as a medium in learning Arabic speaking skills of grade X
Senior High School students. 4) Mujarab improvements by experts include: color
selection on media as a product differentiator, icon changes on the "Home" menu in
Mujarab, improvements to inappropriate images, improvements to improper
grammar, changes in word diction in Javanese vocabulary, changes in image size,
uniformity of font types on each page, and changes in the order of the Mujarab



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