Grounding Pancasila: The importance of Upholding Human Rights as a Shield of Diversity Tolerance Membumikan Pancasila: Arti Penting Menegakkan HAM Sebagai Tameng Toleransi Keberagaman

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Indra Wicaksono


The importance of grounding Pancasila to enforce human rights as a shield of diversity tolerance. Knowing about intolerance can violate human rights and know the role of the principles in Pancasila to deal with diversity intolerance. However, the interpretation is elaborated through the articles in the statutory regulations, one of which is stated in Article 28E of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia and in Article 22 paragraph (1) of Law No. 39 of 1999 concerning Human Rights. If the rights referred to in the article are seized by others, then what will happen is the intolerance of diversity that violates human rights. Sila in Pancasila itself has an important role in dealing with this intolerance. The five precepts of Pancasila are a manifestation of the Indonesian Citizen Association for its differences.

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How to Cite
Wicaksono, I. (2018). Grounding Pancasila: The importance of Upholding Human Rights as a Shield of Diversity Tolerance. Lex Scientia Law Review, 2(2), 169-176.


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