ACTIVE: Journal of Physical Education, Sport, Health and Recreation
<h2>Announcement</h2> <p><strong>ACTIVE: Journal of Physical Education, Sport, Health and Recreation starting in 2024 migrates to better secure from various unwanted things, including journal hacking and so on. To submit, the author please visit the new website page of our journal at the link<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a></strong></p> <p><strong><em>MIGRATION OFFICIAL STATEMENT <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">HERE</a></em></strong></p> <p>Journal is a peer-reviewed, four-color, professional journal. Continuously published since 2012, <em>Active </em>serves as an authoritative, professional source for educators in physical education, sports, health, and recreation in all settings. It provides the information needed to assist students and clients in learning motor skills, improving fitness, and pursuing physical activity and sport participation safely and appropriately. <em>Active </em>features articles about teaching methods, curriculum, teacher preparation, professional issues, coaching, youth sports, fitness, recreation, and heatlh. Regular departments offer teaching tips, analysis of lawsuits, technology updates, and viewpoints about the professions.</p> <p><strong>Online ISSN (<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2460-724X</a>) Print ISSN (<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2252-6773</a>) E-mail:<br></strong></p>Department of Physical Education, Sport, Health and Recreationen-USACTIVE: Journal of Physical Education, Sport, Health and Recreation2252-6773Measurement of Pencak Silat Physical Activity in Indralaya 1 Public Senior High School
<p>Physical fitness has an important role in training and competition conditions, therefore every athlete or student should pay attention to the components of physical fitness from an early age. Sports teachers or trainers must also know the physical condition of their students because it will have an impact on achievement. Therefore the trainer or teacher must be able to design learning aimed at improving the physical fitness of students, then the teacher must also have initial information about the level of physical condition of students as a reference in conducting training and learning. This research is a quantitative research with a descriptive design. The subjects of this study were students who took part in pencak silat extracurricular activities at Indralaya 1 Public Junior High School with a sample size of 30 students. In this study to determine speed by running a 20 meter test, strength test using push ups, agility test using a shuttle run and leg muscle strength test using a vertical jump. The data analysis technique uses descriptive percentages. The results obtained from the research on the measurement of the physical pencak silat test at Indralaya 1 Public Senior High School were that there were (30%) students in doing the strength test in the very good category, there were (16.7%) students in doing the speed test in the good category, there were (0%) students in doing the endurance test in the moderate category, there were (3.3%) students in doing the agility test in the poor category, there were students (0%) in doing the leg muscle strength test in the moderate category. So it can be concluded that the average student who takes part in the extracurricular pencak silat at Indralaya 1 Public Senior High School is in the moderate category.</p>Desi IsnawatiHartati HartatiSilvi Aryanti
2024-02-292024-02-2913111010.15294/active.v13i1.76053Development of Learning Applications for Physical Education, Sports, and Health Sepak Takraw Material for High School Students
<p>This research has produced a web-based Sepak Takraw learning media. This research aims to determine the feasibility and effectiveness of web-based Sepak Takraw learning media. This type of research is Research and Development (R&D) using the Sugiyono development method. The development procedure includes identifying potential and issues, data collection, product design, design validation, design revision, product testing, product revision, usage testing, product revision, and limited production. In results, this web-based learning media product for Sepak Takraw is considered suitable for learning, based on the validation results from subject matter experts, with an average rating of 3.7, categorized as “very valid,” and from media experts, with an average rating of 3.27, tagged as “valid.” In small-scale field trials, it received an average rating of 4.65, categorized as “very good.” In large-scale field trials, it received an average rating of 4.82, also classified as “very good” for practical testing. Effective testing was also conducted with 47 students, which resulted in an average N(gain) score of 0.848, categorized as “high,” and an N(gain) score percentage of 84.8%, classified as “effective.” The effectiveness of the web-based Sepak Takraw learning media is shown by the improvement in students’ learning outcomes based on pretest and posttest evaluation data.</p>Meutia HelmiIyakrus IyakrusHartati Hartati
2024-02-292024-02-29131111610.15294/active.v13i1.76207The Effect of Progressive Relaxation Techniques on Anxiety of Bua Raga Fc Sepak Takraw Athletes: Before and During the Match
<p>The aim of this research is to determine the effect of progressive relaxation techniques on the anxiety of Bua Raga Fc sepak takraw athletes. This research used Pretest-Posttest Design; giving a pretest before treatment, and a posttest afterward in the experimental group. The population in this study is all 15 Bua Raga Fc sepak takraw athletes. The sample is 15 Bua Raga Fc sepak takraw athletes. The sampling technique used is saturated sampling where all members of the population are sampled in this research. The data collection technique uses a questionnaire or questionnaire which uses an anxiety test instrument by (Tangkudung, 2018). Research data was analyzed descriptively, testing requirements; data normality and homogeneity tests, paired sample t-test. according to the significant levelα= 0.05. The results of the study show that there is a significant influence of progressive relaxation techniques on the anxiety of Bua Raga Fc sepak takraw athletes, with a t = calculated value of 17.905, this value is bigger than t = table 2.131 or t= count of 17.905 > t=table 2.131 and the result is sig. (2-tailed) which is 0.000 < 0.05. The average pretest anxiety score is 51.27 and the average posttest anxiety score is 40.67, there is a difference between groups of 10.6. The conclusion is that there is a decrease in athlete anxiety after being given progressive relaxation techniques. Thus, the progressive muscle relaxation technique is effective in reducing anxiety in Bua Raga Fc sepak takraw athletes.</p>Irham IrhamRachmat HidayatArman Bin AnuarA Heri RiswantoAndi Alif Tunru
2024-02-292024-02-29131172410.15294/active.v13i1.75840The Influence of Eye-Hand Coordination, Nutritional Status and the Object Control Ability of Early Childhood
<p>This research aims to see and reveal the relationship between hand eye coordination and nutritional status on children's motor skills. The method used in this research is a quantitative method using an ex-post facto design. The sample in this study consisted of 30 children consisting of 15 boys and 15 girls who were still in kindergarten aged 5-6 years. The data analysis technique used is path analysis. The results obtained in this study show that there is an influence between eye-hand coordination and object control abilities in kindergarten children and there is an influence of nutritional status on object control abilities of children in kindergarten. From the results of the research, there is an influence between hand word coordination and nutritional status on control objects in children who are still in kindergarten (TK).</p>widia oktri haningsihNurul IhsanGusril GusrilRidho BahtraHeru Andika
2024-02-292024-02-29131252910.15294/active.v13i1.76367Measurement Football Physical Tests Using an Outdoor Laboratory at an Educational Park
<p>This study aims to assess the physical fitness of male students at Indralaya 1 Public Middle School through a descriptive research approach using a quantitative method, employing normality and percentage tests for data analysis. The study included the entire student population of Indralaya 1 Public Middle School, with a sample of 30 male students selected through total sampling. Physical fitness was measured using tests for explosive power, endurance, speed, strength (arm and abdominal muscles), agility, and flexibility. Data analysis involved the Smirnov Kolmogorov normality test and percentage calculations using Excel and SPSS 22. The findings revealed that the overall physical condition of the students in the soccer tests was categorized as pretty good, with an average result of 50.14%. The specific test results were as follows: explosive power 60%, endurance (bleep test) 60%, speed (40m run) 67%, strength (push-ups and sit-ups) 57%, agility 57%, and flexibility 50%. In conclusion, students at Indralaya 1 Public Junior High School a reasonably good physical condition based on soccer-related assessments. The practical implication of this research is that physical fitness significantly contributes to daily activities, particularly in the context of Physical Education and Sports football lessons.</p>Rizki Dwi Oktario BonggaHartati HartatiSilvi Aryanti
2024-02-292024-02-29131303710.15294/active.v13i1.76533Developing A Digital-Based Library To Enhance Educational Knowledge Among Students
<p>This Education serves as a means or pathway for individuals to unlock and develop their potential through the learning experiences they acquire. A type of learning resource is the digital library, which represents an innovative facet of library advancement designed to engage a broader audience. This study emerged from the absence of e-books or digital resources for high school students, specifically those at State Vocational High School 2 Palembang. The research follows a developmental approach using the Research and Development (R&D) method. The study employs two types of instruments: a product validity sheet addressed to both media and material experts, and an instrument evaluating practicality and effectiveness aimed at students, particularly those in class X at State Vocational High School 2 Palembang. The research yields a Digital Library Website for Physical Education, Sports, and Health subjects, deemed suitable as a learning resource based on validation results. Material experts assigned an average score of 4.4, categorizing it as "very practical," while media experts rated it 4.6, also in the "very practical" category. Small-scale trials obtained an average score of 4.1, and large-scale trials achieved an average of 4.175, both falling into the "very practical" category. These outcomes affirm the practicality of digital-based libraries for educational use.</p>Muhammad Al RizkyHartati HartatiSyafaruddin Syafaruddin
2024-02-292024-02-29131384910.15294/active.v13i1.76571Indonesian Student Fitness Test to Measure Students Physical Fitness Levels
<p>The aim of this research is to determine the level of physical fitness of students at SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL Negeri 8 Palembang. To achieve the best results, it is required to exercise. This quantitative research was designed with a descriptive design. A total of 316 class X students at SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL Negeri 8 Palembang were research subjects. The Indonesian Student Fitness Test (TKPN) was used in this research to measure students physical fitness levels. The data analysis method is descriptive presentation. The tests carried out are v sit and reach, endurance, abdominal muscle strength, body control, balance, coordination and agility. The results of the research show that the Indonesian Student Fitness Test (TKPN) of SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL Negeri 8 Palembang students is in the good category 0 people (0%), good 0 people (0%), fair 38 people (12,0%), less than 278 people (87,9%), and less than 0 people (0%). The research results show that students at SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL Negeri 8 Palembang have a low level of physical fitness. The research results show that the Indonesian Student Fitness Test (TKPN) can be useful for teachers to measure how well students learn at school, especially regarding physical education, sports and health. The results show that students’ physical fitness is related to academic and non-academic learning outcomes.</p>Riska LestariDestriana DestrianaDestriani Destriani
2024-02-292024-02-29131505510.15294/active.v13i1.76618Leg Muscle Explosive Power, Foot Coordination and Concentration Can Influence The Accuracy of Goal Shooting
<p>By carrying out this research, the aim is to analyze the direct influence of Leg Muscle Explosive Power, Simultaneous Ankle Coordination on Shooting Accuracy through Concentration in SMKN 3 Sungai Full football players. The method used in this research was a quantitative method with 24 participants. The data analysis technique uses a path analysis approach using SPSS version 26. Based on the results of research that has been carried out, it can be stated that muscle explosive power has a contribution of 13.1%, and eye-foot coordination has a contribution of 12.8%, while concentration has a contribution amounting to 13.6%. So it can be conveyed that shooting accuracy can be influenced by explosive power, muscle coordination, eye-foot coordination and concentration, this needs to be understood and studied at an advanced level for shooting accuracy.</p>Yogi MohendraTjung Hauw SinArsil Arsilwilladi RasyidHeru Andika
2024-02-292024-02-29131566010.15294/active.v13i1.77253The Influence of Study Habits, Nutritional Status and Economic Level on Physical Fitness
<p>The aim of this research is to see the direct or indirect influence of study habits, nutritional status and economic level on the physical fitness of students at SMA N 7 Kerinci. This type of quantitative research uses a comparative causal approach, the population in this study was 101 class X students of SMA N 7 Krinci and the sample used was 30 people with sampling using random sampling. The research instruments used were questionnaire sheets for study habits and economic level variables, the Indonesian Student Fitness Test (TKSI) for physical fitness variables and body mass index (BMI) measurements for nutritional status variables. The data obtained will be analyzed using (Part Analysis). The results of the research and analysis show: (1) There is a direct influence of study habits on physical fitness, with a Py1 of 0.316 or 9.98%. (2) There is a direct influence of nutritional status on physical fitness, with a Py2 of 0.306 or 9.93%. (3) There is a direct influence of economic level on physical fitness, with a py3 of 0.461 or 21.25%. (4) there is no influence of study habits through economic level on fitness, with a p-value of 0.289 > 0.05. (5) There is no influence of nutritional status through economic level on physical fitness, with a p-value of 0.235 > 0.05. (6) There is an influence of study habits, nutritional status and economic level together on physical fitness with an Rsquare value of 0.399 or 39.9%.</p>Remon NelsaDamrah DamrahAldo Naza PutraArsil ArsilHeru Andika
2024-02-292024-02-29131616510.15294/active.v13i1.77401Utilizing Performance Measurement in Physical Testing for Volleyball Using an Application
<p>This research, titled "Utilization of Physical Test Measurements in Volleyball Using an Application for Students at Palembang 13 Public Junior High School," aims to establish normative categories for assessing physical test results in volleyball through the application. The critical components of physical fitness in volleyball, including endurance, speed, strength, and explosive power, are the focal points of this quantitative study employing a descriptive research design. The study involved 30 participants from the volleyball extracurricular program at Palembang 13 Public Junior High School, comprising 16 male and 14 female students. Various test instruments were employed for data collection, such as the bleep test for endurance, the 30-meter run for speed, 1-minute push-ups for arm strength, sit-up test for abdominal muscle strength, and vertical jump test for muscle explosive power. The research took place at Palembang 13 Public Junior High School, with collaboration from a member of the Teachers' Forum for Physical Education, Sports, and Health Education City of Palembang. Results indicated that the average physical condition of volleyball extracurricular students at Palembang 13 Public Junior High School falls into the very good category (18.6%), good category (3.8%), fair category (21%), less than average category (28.8%), and very less than average category (26.4%). In conclusion, the overall physical condition of these students is assessed as poor, with a percentage of 28.8%. The intention of this research is to serve as a basis for evaluation and raise awareness among students, encouraging them to continually enhance and maintain their physical fitness for optimal performance.</p>Edwin QodriHartati HartatiSilvi Aryanti
2024-02-292024-02-29131667410.15294/active.v13i1.77692Implementation Of Physical Fitness Test Measurements For Pencak Silat Sport Branch Using An Application
<p>The study, titled "Implementation of Physical Fitness Test Measurement for Pencak Silat Sport Using an Application for Students at Palembang 03 Public Junior High School," aims to establish normative categories for assessing physical fitness test results in pencak silat using an application. The physical test components include strength, muscle power, flexibility, balance, endurance, speed, and agility tests. This research follows a quantitative approach with a descriptive research design. The participants consist of 30 pencak silat extracurricular students at Palembang 03 Public Junior High School, comprising 13 male students and 7 female students. Data were collected through various tests, utilizing instruments such as the bleep test for endurance, a 30-meter sprint for speed, the agility t-test for agility, 1-minute push-ups for arm strength, vertical jump for muscle explosive power, and the standing stroke test for balance. The research took place at S Palembang 03 Public Junior High School in collaboration with a member of Mgmp Pjok Palembang City. The findings indicate that the average physical condition of extracurricular pencak silat students at Palembang 03 Public Junior High School falls within the very good category (10.8%), good category (21.6%), fair category (41.6%), less than percentage category (12.5%), and very less than percentage category (13.3%). In conclusion, the overall physical condition of extracurricular students is in the fair category with a percentage of (41.6%). The intention of this research is to promote awareness among students to continually enhance and maintain their physical condition for achieving maximum success.</p>Thawfiq HidayatHartati HartatiDestriana Destriana
2024-02-292024-02-29131758310.15294/active.v13i1.77702Implementation Physical Test Measurement in Athletics Long Jump Event Using an Application
<p>The study, titled "Implementation of Physical Test Measurement in Pencak Silat Sports Using an Application for Students at Palembang 13 Public Junior High School," aims to establish norms for assessing physical test results in the athletics long jump event through the use of an application. The physical test components include endurance, speed, strength, muscle power, and balance assessments. This research adopts a quantitative approach with a descriptive research design. The participants consist of 20 extracurricular athletic students specializing in the long jump at Palembang 13 Public Junior High School, comprising 13 male students and 7 female students. Data collection involves various tests, utilizing specific instruments such as the bleep test for endurance, a 30-meter sprint for speed, a 1-minute push-up test for strength, a vertical jump test for muscle explosive power, and a standing stroke test for balance. The research is conducted at Palembang 13 Public Junior High School, with the collaboration of one member from the Physical Education, Sports, and Health (Pjok) MGMP in Kota Palembang. The findings from the research on extracurricular athletic students at Palembang 13 Public Junior High School indicate that the average physical condition falls into the "very good" category with a percentage of 12%, "good" with 8%, "sufficient" with 24%, "less" with 32%, and "less once" with 25%. In conclusion, the average physical condition of extracurricular students is categorized as "less" with a percentage of 32%. Following this research, the intention is to raise awareness among students to continuously enhance and maintain their physical condition to achieve optimal success</p>Dimas AlfarizyHartati HartatiAhmad Richard Victorian
2024-02-292024-02-29131849210.15294/active.v13i1.77707Implementation of Physical Fitness Test Measurement in Basketball Using an Application
<p>This study focuses on the application of a fitness testing app to assess physical performance in junior high school students, specifically those involved in extracurricular basketball activities at Palembang 03 Public Junior High School. The primary objective is to establish norms for categorizing physical test results using the app, covering components such as speed, agility, strength, endurance, and muscle explosiveness. Employing a quantitative descriptive approach with survey research methods, the study involves 20 participants, comprising 10 male and 10 female students. Various physical tests, including a 30-meter run for speed, Bleep tests for agility, Push-Ups for strength, Bleep tests for endurance, and a vertical jump for muscle explosive power, were conducted as part of the data collection process. The research took place at Palembang 03 Public Junior High School in collaboration with the MGMP Pjok at the school. Analysis of the physical test results revealed that 9% of the participants achieved a "very good" category, 7% fell into the "good" category, 38% were classified as "average," 27% were categorized as "below average," and 19% were in the "poor" category. In conclusion, the predominant category was "average," constituting 38% of the participants. This study aims to heighten students' awareness of their physical conditions, fostering motivation for continuous improvement and emphasizing the significance of physical tests as tools for gauging fitness levels.</p>Muhammad IqbalHartati HartatiAhmad Richard Victorian
2024-02-292024-02-291319310110.15294/active.v13i1.77718Implementation Measurement of Physical Test Results for Branch of Badminton Using Application
<p>The study aims to assess the physical fitness of students at State Elementary School 216 Palembang through the use of an application for measuring physical test results. The research employs a quantitative descriptive method. The findings from the application-based physical test measurements reveal that 16 students fall into the "good" category, constituting 66.7%, while 8 students fall into the "enough" category, representing 33.3%. Consequently, the overall physical condition of students at State Elementary School 216 Palembang is categorized as "good." A study conducted by Wiyanto (2020) has developed norms and physical condition tests specifically tailored for badminton players aged 10-12 years. These tests demonstrate validity, reliability, and effectiveness, recommending them as suitable measuring instruments for assessing physical fitness in badminton. The outcomes of this research underscore the importance of cultivating awareness among students and athletes to continually enhance and maintain their physical fitness for optimal performance. The application introduced in this study facilitates a more streamlined process for teachers, coaches, and athletes to gauge physical test results, enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of monitoring the physical condition of students and athletes.</p>Windi Setya IrawatiHartati HartatiHerri Yusfi
2024-02-292024-02-2913110210910.15294/active.v13i1.78097Implementation Physical Test Results Measurement in Athletics Short Distance Running Using Application
<p>The research titled "Implementation of Physical Fitness Test Results Measurement in Athletics Sports Branch - Short Running Event Using Applications in Students of SD Negeri 139 Palembang." This study aims to assess the physical conditions of SD Negeri 139 Palembang students through the utilization of applications. The research employed a quantitative descriptive method. The findings revealed that the physical conditions of SD Negeri 139 Palembang students were categorized as very good (0%), good (0%), sufficient (83%), less (17% with a frequency of 5), and very less (0%). In summary, the overall physical condition of students in SD Negeri 139 Palembang falls within the sufficient category with a percentage of 83%. The implications of this study emphasize the importance of raising awareness among students to consistently enhance and maintain their physical well-being, both within the community and at all times. This effort is aimed at improving the physical conditions of students categorized as sufficient, less, and very less, thereby promoting overall well-being.</p>Wanda Marthin SaputriHartati HartatiHerri Yusfi
2024-02-292024-02-2913111011710.15294/active.v13i1.78103Implementation Application For Measuring Physical Fitness Test Results In Badminton
<p>The study, titled "Implementation of Physical Fitness Test Measurement for Badminton Players Using Applications for Students at Palembang 04 Public Junior High School," aims to establish norms for assessing physical fitness in badminton through the use of applications. Key components, including endurance, speed, strength, and explosive power, are crucial for volleyball. This quantitative research employs a descriptive research design and involves 30 volleyball extracurricular students from Palembang 04 Public Junior High School, comprising 9 male students and 21 female students. Data collection utilizes various test instruments: T Test Agility for agility, 30-meter running for speed, 1-minute push-ups for arm muscle strength, sit-up test for abdominal muscle strength, and standing board jump test for muscle explosive power. The research is conducted at Palembang 04 Public Junior High School in collaboration with a member of the MGMP Pjok City of Palembang. Results from the study indicate that the average physical condition of badminton extracurricular students at Palembang 04 Public Junior High School falls into the very good category (11.20%), good category (9.40%), fair category (12%), less than average category (40%), and very less than average category (19%). In summary, the overall physical condition of badminton extracurricular students at Palembang 04 Public Junior High School is categorized as poor, accounting for 40%. The intention behind this research is to serve as a discussion point for evaluation, fostering awareness among students to continually improve and maintain their physical fitness for optimal performance.</p>Muhammad Dimas PrajaHartati HartatiSilvi Aryanti
2024-02-292024-02-2913111812410.15294/active.v13i1.78207Implementation of Physical Test Results Measurement Using a Volleyball Sports Web Application
<p>The Research entitled the application of measuring physical test results using a web application for junior high school students in the sport of volleyball, by Katarina Br Tampubolon. And supervised by Prof. Dr. Dra. Hj. Hartati, M. Kes and Destriani, M. Pd. This study aims to explain the category norms for measuring physical test results in volleyball using a web application. The components of physical condition that are very important in volleyball include strength, flexibility and endurance. This research is quantitative research with a descriptive research design. The sample for this research was 45 students in class VII of Indralaya 1 Public Junior High School, consisting of 30 students and 15 female students. Data collection was carried out using the following test instruments: the strength component used the 60 second sit up test and the 60 second push up test, the flexibility component used the v sit and reach test, and the endurance component used the 20 meter bleep test. The place of research was carried out at Indralaya 1 Public Junior High School. The results obtained from research on class VII students of Indralaya 1 Public Junior High School in volleyball for the average physical condition were in the very good category (0%), good category (0%), fair category (14%), poor category (46%). ) and very less category (20%). From all the categories above, it can be concluded that the average physical condition of class VII students at Indralaya 1 Public Junior High School is in the poor category with a percentage of 46%. This research is intended as material for evaluation and awareness for students to continue to improve and maintain their physical condition so that they can achieve maximum performance</p>Katarina Boru TampubolonHartati HartatiDestriani Destriani
2024-02-292024-02-2913112513110.15294/active.v13i1.78235Implementation of Physical Test Results Measurement Using a Pencak SIlat Sports Web Application
<p>This research constitutes a quantitative descriptive study employing a survey method, specifically a fitness test administered to sixth-grade students at State Elementary School 112 Palembang. The primary objective of this study is to establish normative categories for assessing the physical fitness of students in the sport of pencak silat using a dedicated application. The key components evaluated in the context of pencak silat are strength, speed, agility, flexibility, and endurance. The study involved 30 participants, comprising 11 male students and 19 female students. Test instruments for data collection included the sit-up test for assessing strength, the 30-meter running test for speed, the agility t-test for agility, the sit and reach test for flexibility, and the bleep test for endurance. The collected data underwent analysis using quantitative descriptive techniques. The research findings revealed that the strength test results fell into the poor category, speed into the very poor category, agility into the sufficient category, flexibility into the very poor category, and endurance into the very poor category. Consequently, the overall assessment of the physical condition of sixth-grade students at State Elementary School 112 Palembang indicates a very poor category. In summary, the study concludes that the average physical fitness of class VI students at State Elementary School 112 Palembang is deemed very poor. It is recommended that appropriate exercises be implemented to enhance the physical fitness of the students.</p>Faradillah Dwi AfriyantiHartati HartatiDestriana Deatriana
2024-02-292024-02-2913113213810.15294/active.v13i1.78240Development of Pencak Silat Sports Achievements in Grobogan Subdistrict in The Preparation of The 2023 PORPROV
<p>The acvhievement developmentis an importance factor to achieve sports performance optimally. The refore, the management of Pencak Silat sports in Grobogan Regency conduct achievement development in preparation for Porprov 2023. This study aims to determine the coaching of Pencak Silat achievements, challenges, and obstacles. This research uses descriptive qualitative methods with three research subjects, namely the IPSI management of Grobogan Regency. Data collection was obtained using observation, interview, and documentation techniques. Data analysis techniques used data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The results showed that 1) Grobogan Regency’s Pencak Silat achievement coaching includes the Grobogan Regency’s coaching system through the 3 stages; Recruitment of athletes and coaches; facilities and infrastructure thatfulfill the predetermined standards, the role of the management and fund management from KONI which is passably. 2) The challenges and obstacles include athlete disciplinecaused of poor training, the relationship between the athletes, coaches, and management is not good. Research results show that achievement development of Grobogan Regency Pencak Silat in preparation for Porprov 2023 is in accordance AD-ART. However, there are several obstacles and challenges. Researchers suggest that monitor the development of each athlete thoroughly, and monitor the implementation of coaching directly and establish good relationships with athletes and coaches</p>Indah WulandariLimpad Nurrachmad
2024-02-292024-02-2913113914610.15294/active.v13i1.78479Why Are Traditional Games Good for The Physical Being?
<p>This paper aims to increase the physical activity of children and adolescents with traditional games based on a literature review by analyzing relevant articles. Literature review obtained from. Google Scholar, Scopus, Science Direct, Web of Science, and Crossref with the keywords traditional games to physical activity and physical components. The literature used starts from 2014-2023. The literature search was carried out until December 2023. 49 articles were selected from the 200 articles found. From this literature, it is found that traditional games can have a physical influence, namely the development of gross and fine motor skills, the development of basic locomotor, non-locomotor, and manipulative movements, balance, speed, agility, accuracy, and endurance. Traditional games also influence character, namely training patience and perseverance, fostering imagination and creativity, problem-solving abilities, and fighting power. Meanwhile, moral influences are cooperation, honesty, responsibility, hard work, discipline, self-confidence, and tolerance. The social influence caused by traditional games is to establish social relationships and comfort.</p>Poppy Elisano ArfandaIans ApriloM. Adam MappaompoArimbi ArimbiHeryanto Nur Muhammad
2024-02-292024-02-2913114715410.15294/active.v13i1.78711The Application Of Physical Fitness Test Measurements Using A Futsal Sports Branch
<p>The physical condition of students significantly influences futsal performance. This study aims to establish normative categories for assessing physical test results in futsal using an application. Employing a quantitative research approach with a survey method, the sample consisted of 30 sixth-grade students from State Elementary School 184 Palembang, comprising 14 male and 16 female students. Findings revealed that, among the sixth-grade students, speed was classified as very poor (90%), agility as very good (100%), explosive power as very good (93%), strength as less (53%), and endurance as sufficient (37%) in the context of futsal sports.</p>Nabila Shafa SalsabillaHartati HartatiDestriana Destriana
2024-02-292024-02-2913115516110.15294/active.v13i1.78252Analysis of The Need for Video-Based Volleyball Learning Media for High School Students
<p>The aim of this research is to analyze the need for the use of learning media in the form of video-based learning media at Senior High School Number 8 Palembang. This research uses quantitative descriptive research and is a form of survey method. The sample for this research was 88 class X students. The data collection technique used was observation and filling out questionnaires. The results of this research obtained a percentage of 95.3% in the Physical Education subject. The results of the analysis of the need for learning media in the form of videos show that in Senior High School number 8 Palembang it is very necessary. The implication of this research is that some teachers find it difficult to create educational materials, so they rarely use media to teach their students and only rely on outdated materials such as explanations and illustrations. Therefore, learning media is needed in the form of learning videos that can make it easier for teachers and students to understand volleyball learning material. The research indicate that a study of students’ requirements for the usage of video-based learning materials, especially in Physical Education subjects, is absolutely essential.</p>Amelia AgustinaSilvi AryantiHerri YusfiSamsul Azhar
2024-02-292024-02-2913116116610.15294/active.v13i1.77156Development of Volleyball Physical Condition Test Application for Collage Students
<p>This research aims to develop a valid and practical application for physical condition tests in volleyball. Research refers to the Borg and Gall development model which consists of ten stages: potential and problem, data collection, product design, product validation, product revision, product trial, product revision, product usage trial, product revision, and ends with mass production. Data was collected using validation sheets and questionnaires. This physical condition test app has been validated by experts with 4.20 in the highly valid category. Product trials showed a practicality level of 3.40 very good categories, then product usage tests showed practical results of 3.79 in category very good. The results showed that the use of physical condition test applications that have been developed is practically used to facilitate the collection and storage of physical condition test result data. Users are advised to use a physical condition test application when performing the test to get accurate test results.</p>Najmi Alvin ZuhairHartati HartatiMeirizal Usra
2024-02-292024-02-2913116717310.15294/active.v13i1.78116The Relationship between Injury History and the Risk of Sports Injuries at Arema Football Academy U-18
<p> Football players generally have good physical conditions, such as strength, endurance, explosive power, speed, balance, flexibility, coordination, agility, accuracy and power. This does not rule out the possibility of a risk of sports injury because football players are one of the highest contributors to sports injuries compared to other sports, namely 32%. Factors causing the risk of sports injuries can be due to age, BMI, playing technique, physical condition, body posture, warming up, wrong accessories, forces coming from opponents or other athletes, and training intensity that is too heavy, as well as having history of previous injury. Injuries often experienced by football players include bruises, abrasions, muscle cramps, strains, sprains and fractures. Aims to determine the relationship between injury history and the risk of sports injuries at Arema Football Academy U-18. This research uses analytical observational methods with a cross-sectional study design, the population and sample of this study were Arema Football Academy U-18 athletes. Data were collected using the FMS and OSTRC-H questionnaires. FMS is used to determine the risk of injury, while OSTRC-H is used to determine injury history. Based on the research results, it shows that the normality test value is P= 0.000 (<0.005) so that the data is not normally distributed and then uses the correlation test with the Spearman correlation test. From the results of the Spearman correlation test, it was found that P= 0.000 (<0.05), so Hо was rejected and H₁ was accepted, and the value r= -0.615 was also obtained, which means the relationship is strong and has a negative value. These results can be interpreted statistically as there is a relationship between injury history and the risk of sports injuries at the Arema Football Academy U-18.</p> <p> </p>Muhammad Ulil AbrorBayu PrastowoDimas Sondang IrawanM. Choirul Anwar
2024-02-292024-02-2913117418010.15294/active.v13i1.76545Development of Digital-Based Physical Education Textbook for 11th Grade High School Students
<p>A valid, practical, and effective digital-based instructional book has been successfully developed. This research follows the Borg and Gall development model, which consists of ten steps, including identifying potential and problems, data collection, product design, design validation, design revision, product testing, product revision, usage testing, product revision, and mass production. Data is collected through the use of validation sheets, questionnaires, and tests. Validation results by three expert validators for the digital-based Physical Education and Health (PJOK) instructional book yielded an average score of 4.55, falling within the highly valid category. Testing the digital-based PJOK instructional book product indicated its practicality with a score of 3.47 in the very good category. The use of the web-based sepak takraw instructional media model was also considered highly practical by students, with a practicality score of 3.60 in the very good category. The effectiveness of this instructional media model was measured by an N-gain score of 0.63, categorized as moderate. Therefore, it can be concluded that student learning outcomes can be improved through the use of PJOK learning with a web-based instructional media model. It is hoped that teachers will frequently use web-based instructional media models with audiovisual features to ensure that students achieve the best possible learning outcomes.</p>Anggar Setia BudiHartati HartatiSyamsuramel Syamsuramel
2024-02-292024-02-2913118118610.15294/active.v13i1.76554The Relationship of Eye and Hands Coordination on Badminton Netting Shots at Tamasya PB Guardians Oku
<p>Net shots in a match play a very important role because they can make it difficult for the opponent to take the shuttlecock properly if they hit the net correctly. In netting, the coordination of the eyes and hands plays a very important role when the opponent's ball comes towards the front, the hand starts the stance to hit the shuttlecock slowly and in a straight or crossed direction, either to the right or left. This study aims to determine the relationship between eye-hand coordination and netting shots. This research is quantitative research with correlational techniques. The research sample consisted of 30 respondents who were assisted by PB Tamasya OKU. Sampling used the total sampling method. Data collection used the tennis ball throwing and catching test as an instrument to test hand-eye coordination and the netting test as an instrument to test netting hitting ability. Data analysis was carried out univariately and bivariately with the Chi Square test at a confidence level of 95% with a significance value of p value ≤ 0.005, then Ha was accepted and p value > 0.005, then Ha was rejected. The results of the statistical test between the independent variable and the dependent variable obtained a significant value (p value) of 0.000, which shows that there is a relationship between eye and hand coordination and netting strokes in PB Tamasya OKU's coaching staff..</p>Ibnu YasaSyafaruddin SyafaruddinMeirizal Usra
2024-02-292024-02-2913118719110.15294/active.v13i1.77080Learning Media Application Development Web-Based Health Sports Physical Education in Class 2 MTs Guppi Sukomoro
<p><em>This research aims to produce a product in the form of web-based PJOK learning media, and to determine the level of feasibility of the learning media. This type of research is research and development (R&D). Development procedures include potential and problems, data collection, product design, design validation, design revision, product testing, product revision, usage trials, product revision, and mass production. The product is web-based learning media for PJOK subjects which has been declared suitable as learning media based on validation results from material experts with an average score of 3.58 in the "valid" category, media experts with an average of 3.47 in the "valid" category ”, small group field trials obtained an average of 4.96 in the “very good” category, large scale field trials obtained an average of 4.90 in the “very good” category. The test items obtained an average of 0.72. Web-based PJOK learning media is proven by increasing student learning outcomes based on data from pretest and posttest evaluation results.</em></p>Ira Astonia SuhantiIyakrus IyakrusDestriana Destriana
2024-03-102024-03-1013110.15294/active.v13i1.78689Team Games Tournament Learning Model for Low Class Primary School Students Balance Materials
<p>This research explains the team games tournament learning model for balance material for lower elementary school students, using Research and Development research. This research created a product design of 15 learning models and then validated them with justification tests by learning experts. The validation tests used were expert justification test with 3 experts, namely experts in the field of learning. The average pretest result before treatment of the team games tournament learning model for balance material was 21.20 and after treatment the average was 28.10. In the future, this research aims to serve as reference material for teachers and students who will develop this model. Providing more models in learning to improve the results of the learning process, especially balance material for students. </p>M. Hafid QolbiEva Julianti P.Oman U.S.
2024-03-102024-03-1013110.15294/active.v13i1.76507The Effect of Pounching-Ped Variation Training on the Accuracy of Circle Kicks in KONI Palembang Satlat Tarung Derajat Athletes
<p><em>The research entitled The Effect of Pounching-Ped variation training on the level of accuracy of circle kicks in Koni Palembang satlat degree fighting athletes was carried out with the aim of finding out the effect of Pounching-Ped variation training on the ability of circle kick accuracy in Palembang Koni Satlat Tarung Derajat athletes. The population of this research was Tarung Derajat satlat Koni Palembang athletes, totaling 22 people. The sample for this research consisted of 22 people. The method used in this research is experimentation. With a One Group PreTest-PostTest design. The treatment in this study was the Pounching-Ped variation exercise with a training frequency of 3 times a week. Based on the results of research and statistical data analysis of the Shapiro Wilk normality test and t test, the results showed that the difference in mean values increased by 4.364 and a significance value of 0.000 (<0.05). Thus, it can be concluded that Pounching-Ped variation training is stated to have an effect on the accuracy of circle kicks in Koni Palembang satlat fighting athletes.</em></p>Wieta Devy AlishaSyafaruddin SyafaruddinHartati Hartati
2024-03-102024-03-1013110.15294/active.v13i1.76232Development of A Web-Based Physical Education Learning Media Model at Senior High School Muhammadiyah 3 Palembang
<p>This research aims to produce a web-based application model as an application that students can use in physical education learning at school. The method used in this research is the R&D (research and development) method, namely a research method that aims to produce products and test the validity and effectiveness of these products in their application. This research is a development of Borg & Gall. Judging from the validation results by several validators, the average score from all aspects of the assessment is 3.48 in the valid category. The detailed score for each aspect consists of 3.7 for the material aspect, 3.27 for the media aspect. The level of practicality and level of effectiveness of web-based physical education learning media is in accordance with the independent curriculum. This means that the web-based physical education learning media for class XI is in accordance with the independent curriculum and the syllabus is declared valid after looking at it from all aspects<em>.</em></p>Ismah NurmulkiahIyakrus IyakrusSyamsuramel Syamsuramel
2024-03-102024-03-1013110.15294/active.v13i1.76208Development of a tesfilit model in the Student Physical Fitness course
<p><em>This research aims to produce a web-based application model as an application that can be used in student physical fitness courses. The method used in this study is the R & D (Research and Depelopment) method which is research that produces products and perfects existing products in the form of test model applications. The research used was a development of Borg & Gall. From the results of the trial, the results of the evaluation of material experts were obtained which were 3.7 which were included in the very valid category and media experts received a score of 3.7 which was included in the very valid category. The results of small-scale trials get a score of 4.57 which is included in the very practical category. The results of large-scale trials get a score of 4.60 which is included in the very practical category. The results of product effectiveness get a value of 4.9 which is included in the category of very effective</em></p>Siska SaisadaIyakrus iyakrusMeirizal Usra
2024-03-102024-03-1013110.15294/active.v13i1.76054The Effectiveness of the Soccer Game to Improve Physical Education, Sports and Health Learning Activities
<p>Physical and health education aims to change physically, mentally and emotionally through physical activity and fitness. Teachers have a central role in the process of guiding students towards maturity and providing values. However, there are challenges in increasing students' interest in physical education. Internal student factors such as boredom and monotony of monotonous learning methods can influence learning outcomes. Therefore, this research aims to introduce a new approach by integrating the game of header as an interesting learning method in physical education. This research was conducted at MAN 1 Palembang with a focus on class XII students. The aim of the research is to evaluate the effectiveness of the game of header in improving physical learning activities, sports and health. This method is expected to overcome the challenges in motivating students to actively participate in PJOK lessons. With a more interactive approach and involving students in games that support educational goals, it is hoped that student interest and learning outcomes can increase significantly. The results of this analysis provide valuable insight for improving and developing this learning method. Understanding of areas that need improvement, such as aspects of understanding concepts or variations in learning methods<em>.</em></p>Muhammad Bima Andre Rianto