Telaah Buku Teks Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Jawa SMA Wiyata Basa Jawa ‘WIBAWA’ Berdasarkan Diagram FRY
This study will reveal the quality of the textbooks used in DIY for high school students. From this research, the textbook standard will become a reference so that it can be used to achieve the goals of regional language education that have been mandated in the curriculum. This is a descriptive study. The data were collected from the WIBAWA book "Wiyata Basa Jawa". The research instrument consisted of WIBAWA textbook assessment instrument with Fry Graph instruments/indicators. WIBAWA textbook readability was 66.67%, while 33.33% of the book did not meet legibility. The 33.33% unacceptability does not mean completely unacceptable, but there are parts that are too easy and some parts that are too difficult, so it needs to be revised.
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