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Nugroho Trisnu Brata
universitas negeri semarang
Triyaka Triyaka
Desa Jetis, Kecamatan Karanganom, Kabupaten Klaten
Susana Fadhara Saiya
Affiliation not stated
Megawati Vika Pratiwi
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Bagas Prayogo
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Indraswari Kumolo Ratri
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Lutfiana Afrida
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Sukma Anggiarini
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Ghinna Al Zayyaan
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Gandung Surya Saputra
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Muhamad Afif Afrijal
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Siti Nur Wulandari
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Ammar Fuad Dzaky
Affiliation not stated
Strategy to Increase Sales Through Packaging Labels and Banner on Mushroom UMKM “MBAH MI”
- Nugroho Trisnu Brata ,
- Triyaka Triyaka ,
- Susana Fadhara Saiya ,
- Megawati Vika Pratiwi ,
- Bagas Prayogo ,
- Indraswari Kumolo Ratri ,
- Lutfiana Afrida ,
- Sukma Anggiarini ,
- Ghinna Al Zayyaan ,
- Gandung Surya Saputra ,
- Muhamad Afif Afrijal ,
- Siti Nur Wulandari ,
- Ammar Fuad Dzaky
Vol 6 No 1 (2024): February 2024
Submitted: Dec 20, 2023
Published: Feb 29, 2024
Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) play a central role in the national economy, influencing economic growth and being the main driver of national development. The general definition of MSMEs includes three categories of businesses with specific assets and turnover that play an important role in Indonesia's economic development. In the snack food sector, MSMEs such as Mbah Mi Krispi Mushrooms, which focus on the production of crispy mushrooms, are a clear example. However, observations of this business showed a lack of packaging labels without contact information for the business owner and the absence of promotional media such as banners. This condition limits sales potential. Therefore, this activity aims to redesign packaging labels with additional contact information and design banners as promotional media. This step is expected to increase the selling power of products and raise the profile of MSMEs so that they are better known to the wider public.