Adaptive Difficulty in Earthquake Mitigation Game Using Fuzzy Mamdani

  • Rika Jane Ardiadna Universitas Dian Nuswantoro
  • Abas Setiawan Universitas Negeri Semarang
Keywords: Earthquake Mitigation, Educational Games, Adaptive Difficulty, Fuzzy Logic, Mamdani


Abstract. Earthquake disasters cause a lot of casualties. Therefore, needs to be education on earthquake disaster mitigation to minimize losses. In addition to counseling and teaching in schools, mitigation education can also be through games. Some education games for earthquake disaster mitigation have circulated quite a lot but have disadvantages, namely the difficulty level that hasn't been adaptive. A game requires an adaptive level of difficulty that can adjust between the ability and playing experience of the player with the level of difficulty so that players do not feel bored or frustrated.
Purpose: This study aims to provide earthquake disaster mitigation education and discuss making the level of difficulty in the game adaptive to suit the abilities and experience of the player.
Method: From the research carried out by applying the Mamdani Fuzzy Logic, the game's difficulty level for each player becomes more adaptive or different for each player according to the ability and experience of each player in the previous stage measured from 6 input parameters.
Result: The level of difficulty that is obtained becomes adaptive. It changes according to conditions or is adjusted based on the player's ability. It is from the playtesting experiment conducted on 20 players. The minimum difficulty level's score is five, and the difficulty level's score is 28.36.
Novelty: This paper's purpose is an educational game for earthquake mitigation with the feature of adaptive level based on fuzzy Mamdani.


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How to Cite
Ardiadna, R. J., & Setiawan, A. (2023). Adaptive Difficulty in Earthquake Mitigation Game Using Fuzzy Mamdani. Recursive Journal of Informatics, 1(1), 35-46.