Kesantunan Berbahasa Mahasiswa dalam Berinteraksi di Lingkungan Universitas Tidar: Kajian Sosiopragmatik
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan jenis tindak tutur berbahasa mahasiswa, pematuhan kesantunan berbahasa, pelanggaran kesantunan berbahasa dan faktor yang memempengaruhi terjadinya kesantunan berbahasa mahasiswa dalam berinteraksi di lingkungan Universitas Tidar. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan metode simak. Hasil penelitian pertama bahwa jenis tindak tutur yang dilakukan oleh mahasiswa berupa jenis tindak tutur representatif, direktif, ekspresif, komisif, isbati. Kedua pengukuran tingkat kesantunan berbahasa mahasiswa di lingkungan Universitas Tidar didasarkan pada pematuhan prinsip kesantunan berupa bidal ketimbangrasaan, kemurahatian, keperkenaan, kerendahhatian, kesetujuan dan kesimpatian. Ketiga, pelanggaran prinsip kesantunan digunakan untuk mengukur tingkat kekurang santunan pada tindak tutur mahasiswa dalam berinteraksi berupa prinsip kesantunan. Keempat faktor penyebab kesantunan berbahasa terdapat lima faktor diantaranya tempat dan suasana tutur, peserta tutur, tujuan tutur, pokok tuturan, dan sarana tutur.
This study aimed to describe the type of speech act-speaking students, observance of politeness, violations of politeness and the factors that influence the occurrence of politeness student interaction at the Tidar University. Methods of data collection methods refer to. Results of the first study that kind of speech acts performed by students in the form of speech acts representative, directive, expressive, commissive, isbati. Both measurements politeness level of students at the University of Tidar is based on adherence to the principle of modesty in the form of a thimble tact maxim, generosity maxim, approbation maxim, modesty maxim,agreement maxim and sympathy maxim. Thirdly, breach of politeness principle is used to measure the level of compensation for the lack of student speech acts in the form of a politeness principle. These four factors cause politeness there are five factors, including the place and the atmosphere is said, the participants said, the purpose of speech, the principal speech, and means of speech.