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Lina Siti Nurwahidah
Institut Pendidikan Indonesia
Ari Kartini
Institut Pendidikan Indonesia
Inggit Anggela
Institut Pendidikan Indonesia
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The Influence of Intelligence Quotient (Iq) Towards The Speed Reading Ability
Vol 10 No 3 (2021): December 2021
Submitted: Aug 31, 2021
Published: Dec 30, 2021
This study deals with the influence of intelligence quotient (IQ) towards the speed-reading ability among high school students in Garut. It aims to reveal whether an individual’s IQ influences his ability to read quickly. This quantitative study used correlational description methods. To gather the data, a test and documentation study were applied involving 40 high school students that were selected through probability sampling technique. The results of the study revealed: 1) Spearman correlation test was conducted due to non-normal data distribution, 2) the Spearman correlation test, Sig 0,754 > alfa 0,05, means IQ level had no significant influence towards students’ speed reading ability, 3) Other factors contributing to the result might be related to: students’ interest and motivation in reading as well as students’ reading habit or activities that may distract them such as vocalisation, lips movements, head movements, regression, and sub-vocalisation.