
Pembelajaran sastra khususnya apresiasi puisi masif bersifat kognitif dan tidak mendayagunakan bentuk-bentuk pembelajaran, serta kurang mendayagunakan karakteristik potensi yang dimiliki oleh siswa. Rumu-san masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah (1) gaya berpikir apa saja yang dimiliki oleh siswa yang diberi per-lakuan dengan analisis struktural dan analisis semiotik; (2) bagaimanakah perbedaan antara kemampuanapresiasi puisi pada siswa yang diberi perlakuan dengan analisis struktural dan analisis semiotik; (3) apakah pembelajaran apresiasi puisi dengan analisis semiotik lebih efektif dibandingkan dengan analisis struktural. Desain yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimen. Populasi penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VII di SMP Negeri 3 Grabag, Kabupaten Magelang. Sampel eksperimen adalah 35 siswa di kelas VIIA dan 35 siswa di kelas VIIB. Hasil penelitian ini adalah siswa yang mengikuti pembelajaranapresiasi puisi dengan analisis struktural maupunn semiotik bergaya pikir sekuensial konkret, sekuensial ab-strak, acak konkret, dan acak abstrak. Kemampuan apresiasi puisi pun meningkat setelah siswa mengikuti pembelajaran apresiasi puisi dengan analisis struktural dan analisis semiotik. Namun secara keseluruhan lebih efektif digunakan analisis semiotik untuk pembelajaran apresiasi puisi. Simpulan penelitian ini adalah (1) gaya berpikir yang dimiliki oleh siswa yang diberi perlakuan dengan analisis struktural adalah31% bergaya pikir sekuensial konkret, 23% bergaya pikir sekuensial abstrak, 20% bergaya pikir acak konkret, 26% bergaya pikir acak abstrak, dan siswa yang diberi perlakuan dengan analisis semiotik adalah 20%bergaya pikir sekuensial konkret, 20% bergaya pikir sekuensial abstrak, 26% bergaya pikir acak konkret, 34% bergaya pikir acak abstrak, (2) ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara kemampuan apresiasi puisi pada siswa yang diberi perlakuan dengan analisis struktural dengan analisis semiotik, (3) pembelajaran apresiasi puisi dengan analisis semiotik lebih efektif meningkatkan kemampuan apresiasi puisi dibandingan dengan analisis struktural.


One basic competency that should be achieved by seventh-grade students is an ability to appreciate poems. The problems formulated in this research were as follow. (1) What thinking styles could nature. with structural a nalyses as well as from those treated with semiotic analyses, (2) Were there significant differences in abilities to ap preciate poems between students treated with structural analyses and those treated with semiotic analyses, (3) Based on random sequential thin-king of the students, was semiotic analysis more effective than structural analysis for learning-teaching processes in poem appreciation for seventh-grade students.This research was experimental in nature. The population for this research consisted of seventh-grade students of Grabag SMP Negeri 3, Magelang Regency. The research samples consisted of 35 students from VIIA classroom and other 35 from VIIB classroom. Group of students with concrete-sequential thinking was most pronounced in VIIA classroom and had a 31% share of the total sub-sample. Group of studentswith random-abstract thinking was most pronounced in VIIB classroom and had a 34% share of this total sub-sample. Based on cross-tabulation between the two classrooms relating to the thinking styles and achievements of the  students, it can be found that the highest average grade achievement was achieved by the group of students with random-abstract thinking styles. Post-tests showed that students treated with concrete-sequential thinking treated with structural analyses were able to maximize their grade achievements in poem appreciation. Post-tests also showed that students withrandom-abstract thinking treated with semiotic analyses were able to maximize their grade achievements. The further  conclusion of this research was taken from the results of the paired-sample t-tests, showing that both structural and semiotic analyses were effective in improving the students in their abilities to appreciate poems. However, the semiotic analysis was better than the structural one. This second conclusion was supported by the third conclusion stating that based  on independent sample tests, semiotic analysis was more effective than structural analysis in improving seventh-grade students abilities to appreciate poems.