
Social Cognition in The Reconstruction of Corruption News Discourse on Private Television SCTV and INews TV

Rakhmat Dwi Hananta, Hari Bakti Mardikantoro

10-18 |

The Cohesion of Paragraph in Research Proposal of XI Graders of Kebon Dalem Senior High School Semarang

Edmandus Hari Pawarta, Bernadus Wahyudi Joko Santoso

19-27 |

The Register Form of Pesantren Community in Semarang

Fikriana Nafia, Rustono Rustono

28-38 |

Sociopragmatic Review of Teacher Tutoring in Learning Interactions in Senior High School

Prasetyo Budi Maryanto, Fathur Rokhman

39-47 |

Khazanah Lingua The Personality of Manggarai Speech Society: Ecolinguistic Studies

Priska Filomena Iku, Ida Zulaeha

48-55 |

The Image of Javanese Women in Gadis Pantai Novel by Pramodeya Ananta Toer; Social Realism Review

Riris Purnamasari, Bambang Indiatmoko

66-72 |

Games in Teaching Speaking of Indonesian Language for Non Native Speakers

Farida Yufarlina Rosita, Arina Rohmatika

88-95 |