Studi Linguistik Nama Brand Berbahasa Jawa pada Produk Teh


Giovani Adinatha
Saras Fairuz Hemas


This research focused on tea brand names derived from Javanese language. The objective is to describe the name’s structure and
meaning. Descriptive-qualitative approach was used in this research with data from two online marketplace, Shopee and
Tokopedia, focusing only on tea brand names derived from Javanese language. The data were chosen by using purposive sampling
technique and recorded by taking screenshots Shopee and Tokopedia. The data were analyzed by content analysis technique. Data
validity was retrieved by researcher’s triangulation and persistency. The triangulation was conducted by analysing data, done by
more than one researcher. After they were analyzed, data were presented both formally and informally. Results from this research
is that tea brand names derived from Javanese language are consist of words and phrases. Meanings that were found in those
structure are toponymy descriptors, fictional characters names, iconic names, symbolism names, suggestive names, culture-related
names, and metaphors.

Keywords: brand names; tea products; Javanese language


How to Cite
Adinatha, G., & Hemas, S. (2021). Studi Linguistik Nama Brand Berbahasa Jawa pada Produk Teh. Sutasoma : Jurnal Sastra Jawa, 9(2), 181-196.