The Development of Immune System Teaching Materials to Train Concept Understanding of SMA/MA

  • Amalina Atikah Universitas Negeri Semarang
  • Krispinus Kedati Pukan Universitas Negeri Semarang


The development of teaching materials are adapted to the needs of students to complement the teaching materials that are already available in schools. The purpose of this study was to develop and determine the feasibility of immune system teaching materials to practice understanding the concepts of SMA / MA students. This study uses the Research and Development (R&D) method with the ADDIE development design. The sample of this study consisted of 3 classes, XII MIPA 1, XII MIPA 2 and XI MIPA 4 SMAN 10 Semarang in the academic year 2020/2021. The data collection technique is done with interviews, validation questionnaires, response questionnaires, and conceptual understanding questions. This teaching material is said to be feasible if it reaches a validation score of media experts, material expert validation, teacher validation, teacher responses, and student responses ≥51%. Students are said to have a good understanding of the concept of the immune system material if the total average score is ≥70. The results showed that the teaching materials prepared included very feasible criteria (media validation 78.65%, material validation 90.22%, teacher validation 93.9%, teacher responses 98%, student responses 81.13%). The results of the students' conceptual understanding test after using the teaching materials obtained a total average score of 74.5. The conclusion of this study is that the immune system teaching materials are very suitable for use in learning biology and can be used to train students' understanding of concepts.
