Based on the preliminary observation, it was known that teachers have not used inquiry based learning of Digestive System concept worksheet and student’s critical thinking skills were low. The aims of this research were to determine the feasibility of the student worksheet in the identification digestive process of ruminant. Also, it was to measure the effectiveness of student worksheet for the student learning achievement. The critical thinking skills of Digestive System concept was measured as well. The study was a R&D research, product development trials was an experiment method with one-shot case study design. Large-scale field-testing in this research was class XI IPA1 and XI IPA2 in Islamic Senior High School Ta’alumul Huda Bumiayu. Result of student worksheet development in terms of its linguistic aspect, presentation aspect, and contens aspect was very feasible criteria and display aspect was feasible criteria. The average classical completeness of students class XI IPA1 reached 83.75% and class XI IPA2 was 90.9%. The average percentage classical for the critical thinking skills of students class XI IPA1 and XI IPA 2 were very high criteria. It was concluded that student worksheet practical identification digestive process of ruminant animal based guided inquiry was feasible and effectively applied for learning of Digestive System concept.
Berdasarkan observasi awal diketahui bahwa guru belum pernah menggunakan LKS berbasis inkuiri dalam pembelajaran sistem pencernaan makanan, sehingga keterampilan berpikir siswa masih rendah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kelayakan dan efektivitas LKS praktikum identifikasi proses pencernaan hewan ruminansia berbasis guided inquiry dan mengukur keefektivan LKS terhadap hasil belajar kognitif serta keterampilan berpikir kritis dalam pembelajaran sistem pencernaan makanan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian Research and Development, uji coba produk pengembangan menggunakan metode eksperimen dengan desain one-shot case study. Uji skala luas dalam penelitian adalah siswa kelas XI IPA1 dan XI IPA 2 di SMA Islam Ta’alumul Huda Bumiayu. Hasil pengembangan LKS, aspek kebahasaan memperoleh kriteria sangat layak, aspek penyajian memperoleh kriteria sangat layak, aspek kegrafikan memperoleh kriteria layak, dan aspek isi memperoleh kriteria sangat layak. Rata-rata ketuntasan klasikal siswa kelas XI IPA 1 mencapai 83,75% dan kelas XI IPA 2 sebesar 90,9%. Rata-rata keterampilan berpikir siswa secara klasikal kelas XI IPA 1 dan XI IPA 2 mencapai kriteria sangat tinggi. Berdasarkan hal tersebut disimpulkan bahwa LKS berbasis praktikum identifikasi proses pencernaan hewan ruminansia berbasis guided inquiry layak dan efektif diterapkan dalam pembelajaran sistem pencernaan makanan.
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