Kepasifan dan ketakutan siswa dalam melakukan kerja laboratorium disebabkan siswa jarang diajak melakukan kegiatan laboratorium. Hal ini berakibat pada rendahnya keterampilan proses sains siswa SMA. Model pembelajaran konstruktivisme berorientasi green chemistry
diharapkan mampu meningkatkan keterampilan proses sains siswa SMA.Penelitian pengembangan ini menggunakan metode one grouppre tes-post test. Produk yang dikembangkan
terdiri silabus, RPP, LKS, bahan ajar, soal test, lembar angket respon siswa, lembar pengamatan afektif dan psikomotorik. Data dianalisis menggunakan program Anates dan
SPSS 16.Rerata N-gain hasil belajar kognitif mencapai 0,60 (sedang) dan Keterampilan Proses Sains mencapai 0,73 (tinggi). Rerata hasil belajar afektif 89,04, sedangkan untuk hasil belajar psikomotorik rata-rata nilai siswa adalah 87,67. Lebih dari 75% siswa memberikan respon positif terhadap pembelajaran dengan menggunakan model konstruktivisme berorientasi green chemistry. Keterampilan proses sains siswa meningkat karena siswa melakukan kegiatan praktikum dengan menggunakan bahan-bahan yang familiar bagi siswa. Dengan
demikian, modelperangkat pembelajaran konstruktivisme berorientasi green chemistry yang dikembangkan mampumeningkatkan hasil belajar dan keterampilan proses sains siswa SMA.
Passiveness and fearness of students in performing laboratory workbecause students are rarely asked to perform laboratory activities. As results, there are lack of science process skills of
high school students. Green chemistry in constructivism-oriented earning model is expected to improve the science process skills of high school students. Steps in research and development
method were used with one group pretestposttest design as a mean of testing effectiveness of the model. Products developed consist of syllabi, lesson plans, worksheets, teaching materials,
test questions, questionnaire, affectiveand psychomotorobservation sheet. Data were analyzed using the program Anates and SPSS 16. The mean N-gain of cognitive achievement is 0.60
(medium) and science process skillsis 0.73 (high). The mean of affective learning outcome is 89.04, while for the psychomotor learning outcomes the mean scores is 87.67. More than 75%
of students responded positively in learning green chemistryusing a constructivism-oriented model. Student’sscience process skills increases as students conducting practical activities us-ing materials that are familiar to students. Thus, the constructivism-oriented learning model developed in green chemistry able to increase achievement and science process skills of high
school students.