
This online drawing-class research and development in Gold Pencil Community will answer the problems during this time. Gold Pencil has a regeneration mission, but they also have some constraints, such as time limitation and the lack of teaching material based on competency in implemented-learning activities. The aim of this research and development is to produce an online-learning design that suits to Gold Pencil needs. This research uses Sugiyono’s 10-steps model. These steps contain of (1) potency and problems, (2) data collection, (3) product design, (4) design validation, (5) trial use, (6) product revision, (7) product trial, (8) design revision, (9) product revision, and (10) production. The steps mentioned are modified into 3 main steps, namely planning, development and testing. The result of this research is an online-learning design of drawing cartoon assisted with Google Classroom for beginner cartoonists. This online-learning design can help Gold Pencil Community to realize the mission of regeneration through learning activities.  The results of this research and development also can be another community’s alternative, especially for people who want to explore cartoon.