
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperkirakan jumlah produksi dengan mengaplikasikan fuzzy inference system metode Sugeno berdasarkan variabel jumlah permintaan, persediaan, dan produksi. Pengambilan data diperoleh di PT. Asaputex Jaya Tegal dengan berbagai jenis produk sarung mulai tahun 2013 sampai dengan 2014. Hasil penelitian pada bulan Juli 2014 dilihat dari jumlah permintaan 3850 dan persediaan 350 sarung, dengan menggunakan metode Sugeno didapatkan hasil jumlah produksi sarung rayon yang harus di produksi sebanyak 3539 sarung. Berbeda dengan data jumlah produksi PT. Asaputex Jaya Tegal pada bulan Juli 2014 yaitu 3900 sarung, sehingga berdampak banyaknya penumpukan sarung di gudang. Berdasarkan perhitungan tersebut, disimpulkan bahwa Metode Sugeno lebih efektif dalam penentuan produksi sarung.

The aim of the research is to estimate the amount of the production by applying fuzzy inference system with Sugeno method based on the request, stock, and production variables. This research got the data from PT. Asaputex Jaya Tegal with its sarong production from the year of 2013 up to 2014. The result of this study shows that in July 2014, the number of the request was 3850 and the stock was 350 sarongs. By using Sugeno method, it is got the number of sarong that have to be produced was 3539 sarongs. It is so different with production data from PT. Asaputex Jaya Tegal in July 2014, that was 3900 sarongs, therefore, there were too many sarong accumulation. Based on the calculation above, it is concluded that Sugeno method is more effective being used to determine the number of sarong production.