• Oryza Hesak Karismaningtyas Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Negeri Semarang Semarang, Indonesia Republic
  • Nathan Hindarto Jurusan Fisika FMIPA UNNES Jalan Raya Sekaran Gunung Pati 50229
  • Suharto Linuwih Jurusan Fisika FMIPA UNNES Jalan Raya Sekaran Gunung Pati 50229
Keywords: CTL-based Cooperative, Make A Match, understanding of physics concepts


This research is used to determine whether there are differences in increased
understanding of physics concepts after CTL-based model of cooperative
learning to make a match method was applied to class VIII. The method used
was nonequivalent control group design. Based on gain test found that
increasing the concepts of physics in the experimental group is higher than
the control group. It can also be known in the different average test. The
significant different is all shown true with ttest with tcount = 2.597 in ttable =
1.994. These results are also suported by the observation that the test results
for the experimental group reached a value of 63.19 with is in quite well
category but the control group only reached a value of 54.86 with is in unfavorable category. This study was not able to reach minimum terms of
classical completeness. The experimental group achieved 63.89% while the
control group achieved 33.33%. This is because the strategy may only be
suitable for some students and the discussion can not be predicted. However,
overall it can be concluded that the CTL-based cooperative learning model to
make a match method can improve the understanding of the physics concept
of class VIII.


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