Implementation of active learning based cooperative model can improve conceptual undersanding and student's performance. Samples taken as random sampling and obtained VIIIE as experiment-class and VIIIB as control-class. Experiment-class got active learning based cooperative and control-class got active learning discussion. improved conceptual understanding was measured with pretest-posttest and improvement of student's performance was measured with observation. Improved conceptual understanding and the student's performance can be seen through the gain test. The data show that: 1.gain number of conceptual understanding experiment-class was 0,58 (medium) and gain number of conceptual understanding control-class was 0,51(medium)., 2. Gain number of student's performance experiment-class was 0,22 (low) and gain number of student's performance control-class was 0,04 (low). From these results it can be concluded that the application of active learning based cooperative models can improve understanding of concepts and students's performanceReferences
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