• S. Ulien Nadliroh Jurusan Fisika Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Negeri Semarang
  • - Khumaedi Jurusan Fisika Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Negeri Semarang
  • - Supriyadi Jurusan Fisika Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Negeri Semarang
Keywords: Phosphate, Geoelectric, Pole-pole, Res3Dinv.


Phosphate is one of minerals which consist of P2O5 compound. Phosphate deposits can be found all over Pati, namely in mount Watukendong – mount Gledeg especially in three districts, those are in Sukolilo District, Kayen District, and Tambakromo District. Phosphates can be found on outcrops of limestone walls and  go into  veins of  limestone. To know  more about existence of phosphate in limestone, it needs  to  be conducted lab tests using geophysical method. This research is a geophysical study of the physical modeling utilizing geoelectric resistivity method. This research has purpose to identify the phosphate through phosphate rock’s resistivity settled with limestone using geoelectric resistivity method of pole-pole configuration. In this research, limestone rock and limestone rocks containing phosphate were alternately planted in the soil and measured by using geoelectric of pole-pole configuration method. The data obtained were processed by using software called Res3Dinv. The results of the soil research showed that the research before planting the rock , the resistivity is 2.4 ?m - 195 ?m. The soil research after planting limestone rock, showed that the resistivity of the soil is 9.3 ?m - 591 ?m, which resistivity of limestone rocks is 591 ?m. Another soil research , the resistivity of the soil after planting limestone rocks containing phosphate is 5.3 ?m – 255 ?m, which resistivity of limestone rock containing phosphate is 255 ?m and the resisitivity of phosphate is 147 ?m.


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