Desain Dan Simulasi Kontrol PID Pada Sistem Pengaturan Posisi Azimuth Antena Dengan Simulink Matlab

  • Cipto Heri Setiono Prodi Fisika, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, UniversitasNegeri Semarang, Indonesia,50229
Keywords: antenna azimuth position, PID control, transient response, simulink


The antenna azimuth positioning control is a problem in satellite communications systems whichshouldbe precision because errors in the positioning will affect the quality of the transmitted signal. This problem can be overcome by modeling and then implement a control system where it is the goal of this research with the PID control as the type of controller. The model was created using simulinkmatlab based on mathematical equations system. PID control design by tuning the value of proportional gain (Kp), Integral (Ki), and differential (Kd) with transient response analysis. Tuning of the PID control gain show that the PID control with Kp = 30, Ki = 0.01, and Kd = 15 has the performance with 3.75 seconds setting time, 2.59 seconds rise time, 0% overshoot and 0% the steady state error.


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