Why choose our journal?

  1. The evaluation process SCOPUS (Elsevier)
  2. The evaluation process ERIC: Educational Resources Information Center (CSC)
  3. Indexed Directory of Open Access Journal (DOAJ)
  4. Distributed by EBSCO Publisher Category Open Science Directory
  5. Indexed Ulrichsweb (Proquest)
  6. Indexed in CrossRef so that all articles published already has a unique number that is  Digital Objective Identifier(DOI) .
  7. Managed online with Open Journal Systems (OJS) with features international journals
  8. Indexed Institutions other international indexers is the BASE Bielefeld Academic Search Engine
  9. Indexed by the Institute for National indexer among others Indonesian Scientific Journal Data base (ISJD / LIPI),  Indonesian Index Publication / Portal Garuda.
  10. Fully supported by Perkumpulan Pendidikan IPA Indonesia
  11. 100% Full English for Internationalization Journal
  12. Our ethic statements are based on COPE's Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors.
  13. International Reviewers involvement, Germany, Nigeria, Australia, Bangladesh, Thailand, Malaysia
  14. Checking process using Grammarly, Mendeley and Crosscheck
  15. Total uniqe visits 5,715 with an average of 714 visits / day
  16. Visited 124 countries with a total of over 110,000 visitors visit
