
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kelayakan dan keefektifan modul pembelajaran IPA Terpadu berpendekatan keterampilan proses pada tema dampak limbah rumah tangga terhadap lingkungan untuk SMP kelas VIII. Penelitian menggunakan metode Research and Development (R&D). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa modul termasuk dalam kriteria layak digunakan tanpa revisi berdasarkan hasil validasi yang dilakukan oleh pakar. Hasil tanggapan penggunaan modul oleh guru dan siswa termasuk dalam kriteria sangat menarik. Hasil belajar siswa pada skala besar mencapai 87,5% siswa tuntas belajar, menunjukkan adanya hasil yang signifikan karena hasil thitung>ttabel dan n-gain termasuk dalam kategori tinggi. Disimpulkan modul pembelajaran IPA Terpadu berpendekatan keterampilan proses pada tema dampak limbah rumah tangga terhadap lingkungan layak dan efektif digunakan dalam pembelajaran IPA Terpadu kelas VIII.



This study has purpose that is to know the feasibility and effectiveness of integrated science teaching modules with process skills approach on the theme of the impact of household waste on the environment for junior class VIII. This study uses a Research and Development. The results showed that the modules included in the criteria feasible for use without revision based on the results of the validation are performed by experts. Response result of use of module by teachers and students included in the criteria is very interesting. Student learning outcomes on a large scale to reach 87,5% of students pass the study, showed a significant result because result of tarithmetic> ttable and n-gain with high category. Concluded is integrated science teaching modules with process skills approach on the theme of the impact of household waste on the environment are feasible and effective to use in integrated science teaching in class VIII.