
Berdasarkan observasi awal di SMP 1 Kudus, ditemukan buku pegangan siswa sudah memakai dua bahasa namun kurang membangkitkan minat siswa untuk membaca buku pegangan tersebut. Untuk memangkitkan minat belajar siswa maka telah dikembangkan bahan ajar yang layak digunakan yaitu berupa modul bilingual bergambar. Penelitian ini menggunakan Metode Research and Development (R&D). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penilaian modul bilingual bergambar oleh pakar menunjukkan kriteria sangat layak. Pada uji coba skala kecil, modul yang dikembangkan mendapat respon sangat baik oleh siswa. Hasil uji coba skala besar menunjukkan bahwa modul yang dikembangkan dalam kegiatan pembelajaran mendapat respon sangat baik oleh guru dan siswa. Untuk angket minat belajar siswa juga menunjukkan hasil yang sangat tinggi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa modul bilingual bergambar layak dan berdampak baik pada minat belajar siswa dalam pembelajaran kelas VIII di SMP 1 Kudus.


Based on the observation’s result in SMP 1 Kudus it is found that bilingual student’s handbook for science learning did not generate student’s interest to read it. If students are interested in reading the handbook it will influence both of the learning outcomes and understanding of the materials. Based on those problems, this research aims to develop the appropriate teaching materials illustrated bilingual module. This research used Research and Development. The results showed that the integrated Science assessment’s module by experts showed that it is appropriate to be used as in material. On small-scale trials, the module received very good response from the students. On large-scale trials showed that the module in learning activity also received very good responses from teacher and students.  While student interest questionnaire also showed a very high result. Based on the results of this study it is concluded that the illustrated bilingual module are feasible and be able to improve the student’s interest in learning activity at SMP 1 Kudus.