
Di SMP N 2 Jekulo Kudus dalam pembelajaran IPA sudah memanfaatkan ICT (Information and Communication Technology) seperti power point dan video. Namun guru belum dapat memaksimalkan sarana dan prasarana yang ada. Menurut hasil observasi di sekolah salah satu kendala dalam melaksanakan pembelajaran IPA terpadu yaitu masih minimnya media pembelajaran IPA terpadu. Oleh karena itu media pembelajaran IPA terpadu perlu dikembangkan. Penelitian ini dirancang dengan desain penelitian Research and Development (R&D). Penelitian ini mengkaji proses pengembangan dan keefektifan media DGBL pada pembelajaran pencemaran lingkungan di SMP. Efektivitas diukur dengan indikator siswa yang mencapai nilai ≥70 mencapai 85% dari total siswa, siswa yang memiliki minat baik mencapai 85% dari total siswa, dan siswa yang memiliki aktivitas sangat tinggi mencapai 85% dari total siswa. Hasil penelitian ini yaitu validator menilai media DGBL sangat baik dan layak. Pakar media dan guru (media) rata-rata skor 2,79 dengan kriteria sangat baik, sedangkan dari pakar materi dan guru (materi) rata-rata skor 2,87 dengan kriteria sangat baik. Selanjutnya pada uji coba skala kecil, siswa memberikan penilaian dengan persentase 97% dengan kriteria sangat baik. Pada uji coba pemakaian diketahui bahwa persentase ketuntasan klasikal kelas VII-G sebesar 82,35% dan kelas VII-H sebesar 94,44%. Siswa dengan minat baik sebesar 92,86% dan siswa dengan aktivitas tinggi sebesar 90%. Selain itu tanggapan guru terhadap penggunaan media DGBL dalam proses pembelajaran menunjukan tanggapan yang sangat baik. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan pembahasan, dapat disimpulkan bahwa media DGBL layak dan efektif diterapkan pada pembelajaran IPA terpadu tema pencemaran lingkungan di SMP.


The science learning in SMP N 2 Jekulo Kudus has already used ICT (Information and Communication Technology) like power point and videos. However, teachers have not been able to maximize the existing infrastructure. According to the school observation’s result, one of the obstacles in implementing an integrated science teaching is the lack of availability of integrated science learning media. Therefore, an integrated media learning science needs to be developed. Therefore, an integrated media learning science needs to be developed. This research is a Research and Development (R&D). This research examines the process of development and the effectiveness of learning media DGBL on environmental pollution in junior high school. The effectiveness is measured by the availability of 85% of students who got score more than 70, the students who have a good interest reached 85%, and the students who have a good activity reached 85% too. The result of this study indicates that the media DGBL is very good and deserved to be used. Media experts and teachers (the media) have the average score of 2,79 with very well’s criteria, while material experts and teachers (the material) have the average score of 2,87 with very well’s criteria too. Furthermore, in the small-scale trials, the students gave the assessment’s percentage 97% with very well’s criteria. The trial of used known that the classical percentage for VII-G was 82,35% and VII-H was 94,44%. Students with an interest either 92,86% and students with high activity by 90%. In addition, the teacher's response to the use of media in the learning process DGBL showed a very good response. Based on the results of this research, it can be concluded that the media DGBL is feasible and effective for integrated science learning about environmental pollution in junior high school.