
Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengembangkan instrumen self-assessment yang layak serta efektif digunakan pada pembelajaran IPA terpadu di SMP tema energi dalam sistem kehidupan. Instrumen self-assessment terdiri atas kisi-kisi, angket dan petunjuk penyekoran. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Research and Development (R&D). Data yang diperoleh pada penelitian ini berupa data validitas konstruk instrumen self-assessment dan hasil belajar belajar peserta didik yang dianalisis menggunakan teknik analisis deskriptif. Hasil rerata persentase validitas konstruksi instrumen self-assessment yaitu 92,67%, serta nilai koefisien reliabilitas instrumen self-assessment sebesar 0,765. Pada tahap implementasi instrumen self-assessment, diperoleh ketuntasan klasikal sebesar 94% dan nilai koefisien korelasi product moment (r) sebesar 0,896 untuk aspek afektif dan 0,882 untuk aspek kognitif. Berdasarkan hasil analisis tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa instrumen self-assessment efektif digunakan pada pembelajaran IPA terpadu di SMP tema energi dalam sistem kehidupan.


The study aimed to develop  a viable and effective self-assessment instrument of integrated science learning in junior high school with the theme of energy of life. Self-assessment instrument were consist of value indicators, self-assessment quesioners and rubrics. The method of this study was Research and Develompment (R&D). The research data were consisted of the construct validity and holistic learning achievements of student. All data were analyzed using descriptive technique percentage. The result showed that the product was very viable and could be used as an self-assessment instrument of science, an average score of viability was 92,76% and the reliability coefficient was 0,765. At implementation phase, the mastery learning was 94% and the number of corrrelations were 0,896 (afective aspect) and 0,882 (kognitive aspect). From these data concluded that self-assessment instrument effective applied to integrated science learning in junior high school with the theme of energy of life.