
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan Booklet Etnosains Fotografitema ekosistem dan pengaruh penerapan booklet terhadap hasil belajar pada siswa di SMP N 21 Semarang. Metode yang digunakan adalah Penelitian dan Pengembangan atau Research and development (R&D). Penelitian ini dilakukan dalam 4 tahapan yaitu Define, Design, Development, dan Implementation. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa kelayakan terhadap booklet yang digunakan dinyatakan layak sesuai BNSP dengan rata-rata validasi komponen isi 3,5, kebahasaan 3,7, dan penyajian 3,7. Ketuntasan hasil belajar secara klasikal sebesar  86,44% dan untuk keaktifan siswa keseluruhan dikategorikan sangat aktif, sedangkan perhitungan menggunakan uji t didapat dinilai thitung(11,627) >ttabel (1,67) dikategorikan pencapaian signifikan. Booklethasil pengembangan mampu meningkatkan hasil belajar dengan N-gain sebesar 0,5 dengan tingkat  pencapaian  sedang. Hasil analisis ini menunjukkan hasil belajar siswa secara klasikal 86,44% dan N-Gain 0,5 dengan kategori sedang dan keaktifan siswa dengan kategori sangat aktif.


The research goals were to develop the booklet of Ethnoscience Photography of ecosystems theme and the effect of applying the booklet on learning outcomes of the students in SMP N 21 Semarang. The method used was the Research and development (R & D). The research was conducted in four stages, namely, Define, Design, Development, and Implementation. Based on the results of the research showed that the feasibility of the booklet used was declared eligible in accordance to BNSP with the average of component validation of the content was 3.5, the linguistic was 3.7, and the presentation was 3.7. The learning outcomes in classical completeness was 86.44% and for the overall students activity categorized as very active, while the calculation using the t test obtained score of tcount (11.627)> ttable (1.67) considered as significant achievement. The booklet of the development can improve learning outcomes with N-gain of 0.5 with a moderate level of achievement. The results of this analysis indicated that students learning outcomes in classical was 86.44% and the N-Gain was 0.5 categorized as moderate level and the students’ activity categorized as very active.