


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan perangkat pembelajaran kooperatif picture and picture terintegrasi dengan mata kuliah bioteknologi di prodi IPA. Metode penelitian ini adalah research and de-velopment (R&D). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan persentase soft skill konsevasi mahasiswa minimal baik menunjukkan sebesar 100%. Ketuntasan belajar ranah kognitif meningkat setelah penerapan pembelajaran menggunakan metode picture and picture yaitu dengan frekuensi relatif ketuntasan nilai posttest sebesar 80.65% dan nilai LKM sebesar 100%. LKM yang dikembangkan sangat layak untuk digunakan dalam pembelajaran bioteknologi. Selain itu, persentase skor yang diperoleh dari hasil perhitungan angket tanggapan siswa sebesar 97.35%  dengan kriteria sangat puas (tanggapan positif). Oleh sebab itu, perangkat pembelajaran picture and picture dapat meningkatkan pemahaman konsep mahasiswa pada matakuliah bioteknologi dan peningkatan soft skill konservasi mahasiswa.



This study aimed to develop cooperative learning device integrated picture and picture with the subject of biotechnology in education science program. This research method was the research and development (R & D). The results showed the percentage of students who owned the soft skills of conservation was at 100%. Mastery learning cognitive increased after the application of learning methods that picture and picture with relative frequency completeness posttest score of 80.65% and an MFI value of 100%. MFI developed a very viable for use in teaching biotechnology. In addition, the percentage score obtained from the calculation of students' questionnaire responses of 97.35% with a very satisfied criterion (positive feedback). Therefore, the learning device picture and picture could improve student understanding of concepts in the course of biotechnology and increased conservation soft skills of students.