Seni Perbatikan Semarang : Tinjauan Analitik Prespektif Bourdieu pada Praksis Arena Produksi Kultural

Syakir Syakir(1),

(1) Dosen Jurusan Seni Rupa, FBS Unnes, Semarang


Batik Semarang has a cultural heritage that have been through a long historical trajectory. However, the trip batik Semarang has a condition bobbing. With the spirit of building a regional cultural identity through batik, stretching batik Semarang began to rise. It is necessary to picture how this batik Semarag materialized as the result of a process of cultural formation. These qualitative assessments with mtode need to examine the parties is an agent or actor in the arena of cultural production as a process of action in the social structure. This assessment arena framed by the theory of cultural production of Pierre Bourdieu. This assessment of the main problems batik Semarang picture as a form of praxis arena of cultural production. The results show that batik Semarang as an arena of cultural production, formed from the structure of the arena, which are the positions of individuals or the agents that create cultural products. The agents met in the arena and compete perform practices that result in cultural production. The agents are individuals who are controlled by the habitus and supported by capital and the strategies used so that it can compete in the arena of cultural production.


Arena;cultural production;batik;

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