A.W. Subiantoro, N.A. Ariyanti, Sulistyo -


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pembelajaran materi ekosistem berbasis socio-scientific issues (SSI) terhadap kemampuan reflective judgment siswa kelas X Madrasah Mu’allimin Muhammadiyah (MMM) Yogyakarta. Berdasarkan ekspresi kemampuan reflective judgment, tampak bahwa ketiga tingkat kemampuan reflective judgment muncul merata pada diri siswa, meski ada sebagian siswa yang belum mampu mengekspresikannya. Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa pembelajaran materi ekosistem berbasis SSI memberi pengaruh yang lebih baik terhadap perubahan atau peningkatan kemampuan reflective judgment dibanding dengan pembelajaran yang biasa diterapkan guru.


This study is aimed to know the effect of socio-scientific issues-based instruction on the topic of ecosystem toward reflective judgment ability of the 10th-grade students of Madrasah Mu’allimin Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. According to the expression of the reflective judgment statements, it showed that three levels of reflective judgment occured prevalently, although there were some students did not express it. Based on the result of this study, it can be conclude that socio-scientific issues-based instruction on the topic of ecosystem provides better influence toward increasing of reflective judgment ability than common instruction that implemented by teacher.


socio-scientific issues; ecosystem; reflective judgment

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