Analisis Tingkat Kognitif Uji Kompetensi pada Buku Sekolah Elektronik (BSE) Matematika SMP/MTs Kelas VII Kurikulum 2013 Berdasarkan Taksonomi Bloom

Nancy Yunita Susanti, Dinawati Trapsilasiwi, Dian Kurniati


Buku teks pelajaran berperan penting dan strategis dalam upaya meningkatkan mutu pendidikan dasar dan menengah. Buku teks dilengkapi dengan soal-soal latihan yang belum terklasifikasi tingkat kognitifnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat kognitif soal uji kompetensi beserta persentase masing-masing tingkat kognitif soal uji kompetensi pada BSE Matematika SMP Kelas VII kurikulum 2013 semester 1 maupun semester 2. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa soal uji kompetensi BSE Matematika semester 1 mencakup 9 variasi soal dari 24 variasi soal menurut tingkat kognitif Revisi Taksonomi Bloom. Dari 166 pertanyaan, terdapat 6.6% tingkat C2-faktual; 17% tingkat C2-konseptual; 22% tingkat C2-prosedural; 3% tingkat C3-faktual; 6.6% tingkat C3-konseptual; 28% tingkat C3-prosedural; 1.8% tingkat C4-konseptual; 14% tingkat C4-prosedural; 0.6% tingkat C6-konseptual; dan 0% pertanyaan tingkat yang lainnya. Sedangkan pada BSE Matematika semester 2 mencakup 11 variasi soal. Dari 170 pertanyaan terdapat 0.6% tingkat C1-faktual; 0.6% tingkat C1-konseptual; 2.9% tingkat C2-faktual; 15% tingkat C2-konseptual; 15% tingkat C2-prosedural; 8.2% tingkat C3-konseptual; 30% tingkat C3-prosedural; 4.7% tingkat C4-konseptual; 5.3% tingkat C4-prosedural; 14% tingkat C5-konseptual; 4.1% tingkat C6 konseptual; dan 0% tingkat yang lain.

Textbooks have an important and strategic role in improving the quality of primary and secondary education. Textbook comes with practice questions are not yet classified the cognitive level. The aims of this study are determining the level of cognitive matter competency test along with the percentage of each level of cognitive matter competency test on BSE Class VII SMP Math curriculum 2013 1st half and 2nd semester. Type of research is descriptive research with a qualitative approach. It can be concluded that about half of the competency test BSE Mathematics 1 includes 9 variations of about 24 variations of matter according to the degree of cognitive Revised Bloom's Taxonomy. Of the 166 questions, there is a 6.6% rate of C2-factual; 17% C2-conceptual level; 22% C2-procedural level; 3% level C3-factual; 6.6% C3-conceptual level; 28% level of C3-procedural; 1.8% C4-conceptual level; 14% of C4-procedural level; 0.6% C6-conceptual level; and 0% of the questions that other level. While in the second half of BSE Mathematics includes 11 variations matter. Of the 170 questions contained 0.6% level of C1-factual; 0.6% C1-conceptual level; 2.9% rate of C2-factual; 15% C2-conceptual level; 15% C2-procedural level; 8.2% C3-conceptual level; 30% level of C3-procedural; 4.7% C4-conceptual level; 5.3% rate of C4-procedural; 14% of the C5-conceptual level; 4.1% C6 conceptual level; and the 0% level to another.


competency test, cognitive level, Bloom's Taxonomy.

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