Dear potential author, This week, January 22, by the UNNES Journal Center, the Kreano Journal Homepage was moved to a new home. Kreano's new home address is https://journal.unnes.ac.id/journals/kreano --- click here |
Posted: 2024-01-22 | More... |
Full publication of Vol 14(2), 2023, December. |
It seems that regarding educational evaluation, in the future there could be more than 1 tier. To really understand whether students have understood the material, questions in the form of 1 tier have recently started to evolve into more 2 to 4 tier questions. The development of this form of evaluation is quite good, and Kreano presents research results on 2 tier and 4 tier type questions. | |
Posted: 2023-12-02 | More... |
Meet Our New Section Editor, Fariz Setyawan |
Fariz Setyawan is a full assistant professor and Head of Center of education profession development at Ahmad Dahlan University. He received his Sarjana degree in Universitas Negeri Semarang in 2011 and his Magister degree from Universitas Negeri Surabaya in 2014. After that, he went to Ahmad Dahlan University as full time lecture. | |
Posted: 2023-03-11 | More... |
New Template for 2023 has been Released |
The editor has updated the template for article writing for 2023. Substantial changes to how the introduction is written. Implications and Limitations are also added to the Results and Discussion section. Other things that are more detailed, please look at the Manuscript Template or directly download the template at the following link. [click more...] |
Posted: 2022-10-29 | More... |
Full Publication of 13(1), June 2022 |
The transition from a pandemic to an endemic change the way of learning in schools. During the pandemic, teachers and lecturers tend to learn through online modes, while at this time, teachers are starting to get used to hybrid and even face-to-face modes. There is one thing that has not changed, namely culture. In various ways of teaching, culture will always be one approach that helps students understand mathematics. This edition, 13(1) June 2022, has published 15 article about research on mathematics education. Some of the are about etnomathematics. We hope you enjoy the articles and dont forget to cite them. |
Posted: 2022-05-31 | More... |
Upgrading the OJS of Kreano-Update |
The UNNES IT team regularly upgrades OJS to limit access from robotic attacks to the journal server. Currently the Kreano Journal OJS has been upgraded to Version 2485 and is still running. The editor apologizes for this. March 6th. The team has finished the update of OJS. Thank You. |
Posted: 2022-02-22 | More... |
Full Publication of 12(2) |
Changes in teaching styles, sentence speech, and the media used in learning mathematics, during the pandemic did not prevent researchers from producing their best work. Because of the researchers, Kreano Journal can be published on time, December 1, 2021 with 15 articles that have been read by viewers. | |
Posted: 2021-11-30 | More... |
Obituary |
From the deepest heart, Editor of Kreano Journal expressed his condolences for Dr. Nurkaromah Dwidayati, one of the reviewers of the Kreano Journal, who passed away, at October 18th, 2021. May Alloh forgive all sins. | |
Posted: 2021-10-18 | More... |
Full Publication of 12(1) |
As scheduled, we have launched Kreano, Journal of Creative-Innovative Mathematics, vol 12(1) in June 2021. We invite you to publish the results of your Mathematics Education research in the Kreano Journal. We agree that if the main author is from an affiliate outside Indonesia, we will waive the publication fee. See FULL EDITION |
Posted: 2021-06-08 | More... |
Language and Fees-THE UPDATE |
Submission in BAHASA INDONESIA is allowed. Translation to English will be requested after the manuscript ACCEPTED. Translating by yourself is highly recommended. Translation fee (by translators outside the editor) is charged IDR 105k/page (including proofread fee). If translated by yourself, a proofread fee of IDR 45k/page will be charged in addition the publication fee. |
Posted: 2021-01-05 | More... |
Full Publication of 11(2) |
For authors who have been declared published in December 2020, we will inform you that all manuscripts are ready and finished uploading. We thank you for your patience in waiting for the final layout which took almost 1 month. We invite the authors to publish their research results in the Kreano, Jurnal Matematika kreatif-Inovatif. | |
Posted: 2020-12-29 | More... |
Important Announcements for the Author |
This information is important for authors whose manuscripts have not been published in December 2020. There is information regarding the increase in APC in future editions. Withdrawals of manuscripts for objections to the APC increase are welcome. Please contact the Editor for manuscript withdrawal (email: kreano@mail.unnes.ac.id or WA. +62818240132). | |
Posted: 2020-12-01 | More... |
Thanks to the grace of Allah, today we announce that the Kreano Journal has been upgraded to ACCREDITED SINTA 2. | |
Posted: 2020-09-16 | More... |
Enjoy Your Retirement Chief... |
Seiring dengan purna tugas dari chief of editor, Prof. Dr. Hardi Suyitno, kami menghaturkan penghargaan yang sebesar-besarnya kepada Prof. Hardi, atas dedikasinya dalam memimpin Editor Jurnal Kreano selama 1 dekade terakhir. Along with the retirement of the chief of editor, Prof. Dr. Hardi Suyitno, we would like to extend our greatest appreciation to Prof. Hardi, for his dedication in leading the Kreano Journal Editor for the past decade. Kami menyambut hangat Dr. Isnarto sebagai Chief of Editor Jurnal Kreano yang baru. We warmly welcome Dr. Isnarto as the new Chief of Editor of the Kreano Journal.  |
Posted: 2020-09-03 | More... |
Special Opportunity |
Dear Author, This is a great opportunity. We, the editors, agreed to eliminate the special publication fee for the December 2020 edition. Immediately take advantage of the opportunity to become one of the authors in the Jurnal Kreano UNNES. This opportunity applies to the submission manuscript after July 14, 2020 |
Posted: 2020-07-14 | More... |
Publication Fee |
We apologize for the increase in publication fee in the Kreano-Creative Innovative Mathematics Journal. Based on the Kreano's Editor Board Meeting, starting on Vol. 11 (1) June 2020, Kreano's Publication Fee becomes Rp 700,000 (IDR 700k - Seven Hundred Thousand Rupiah) for each article processed. The author will still get 1 print journal. | |
Posted: 2019-12-31 | More... |
Publication Partner |
We are proud to announce that Kreano Journal has become a partner of AMLI (Asosiasi MIPA LPTK Indonesia) as publication venue. |
Posted: 2018-03-20 | More... |
Important Notice: |
Since Volume 6 Number 1, June 2015, Journal Kreano has new cover and Layout. By SK PDII LIPI, Journal Kreano also implementing online business since then. We suggest author, and reviewer to do online business through Open Acces Journal System. So that, editor only serve for cover request. |
Posted: 2018-01-10 | More... |
Server Problem |
Due to tchnical problem on our server, we beg you a pardon for late publication of Vol 8(2) December 2017. | |
Posted: 2017-12-02 | More... |
Full text publication 7(1) |
We've just publish full text publication of vol 7 no. 1, at http://journal.unnes.ac.id/nju/index.php/kreano/issue/view/529 |
Posted: 2016-12-05 | More... |
Re-submit the manuscript |
The editorial board meeting was decided that the revision period of the manuscript is 90 days after editor decission. Therefore, the inactive manuscript after pass the deadline will be archived. Authors can re-submit the revised manuscript and start the process from scratch. | |
Posted: 2016-09-24 | More... |
Submission Letter |
Since implementing online business, every new submission would got system email with subject: [Kreano] Submission Acknowledgement. | |
Posted: 2016-05-10 | More... |
Full Text Publication of Vol. 6(2) |
We've just publish full text PDF of article on Vol. 6(2). | |
Posted: 2016-05-05 | More... |
Jurnal Kreano's New Blog |
Reader, due to spam and server problem, our website at http://kreano.unnes.ac.id are unable to access. To annouce the process of editing or another newsletter from editor, we use blog at http://blog.unnes.ac.id/kreano | |
Posted: 2016-04-13 | More... |
1 - 24 of 24 Items |