Supervisi akademik memiliki peran yang sangat penting dalam peningkatan kompetensi profesional guru. Berdasarkan studi di lapangan pelaksanaan supervisi guru Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) di kabupaten Wonosobo belum berjalan dengan optimal karena keterbatasan jumlah pengawas sekolah. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui penerapan model supervisi akademik berbasis evaluasi diri guru dan penilaian rekan sejawat guru seklah menengah kejuruan kabupaten Wonosobo. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan Research and Development (R & D) dengan teknik pengumpulan data secara wawancara dan studi dokumen. Hasil uji coba terbatas dan uji coba luas model supervisi akademik berbasis evaluasi diri guru dan penilaian rekan sejawat didapat hasil analisis deskriptif kuantitatif tentang evaluasi model. Berdasarkan evaluasi model diperoleh hasil bahwa model bermandaat, mudah,fleksibel, dan dapat diterapkan. Sedangkan berdasarkan uji efektifitas diperoleh hasi bahwa model supervisi akademik efektif bagi guru SMK di kabupaten Wonosobo.
Academic supervision has a very important role in the improvement of the professional competence of teachers. Based on field studies in the implementation of teacher supervision Vocational School (SMK) at Wonosobo not running optimally due to the limited number of school inspectors. The purpose of this study was to determine the application of the model-based self-evaluation of academic supervision of teachers and peer assessment vocational teacher at Wonosobo . This research method using the approach of Research and Development (R & D) with the data collected with interviews and document study. The trial results are limited and extensive trial-based model of self-evaluation of academic supervision of teachers and peer assessment results obtained quantitative descriptive analysis of the evaluation models. Based on the evaluation of the results showed that the model are useful models, easy, flexible, and can be applied. While the effectiveness of the test based on the result of the Wilcoxon test obtained that effective academic supervision models for vocational school teachers at Wonosobo.
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