Focus and Scope
Educational Management is a peer-reviewed journal which publishes original contributions on education administration, management and leadership in the widest sense: on the management of schools of all types, and of further and higher education institutions; on administration and policy at all levels - institutional, local, national and international; and on the study and teaching of educational administration. Topics covered include:
- Autonomy, professionalism, decision policies, equity
- Case studies: schools in different countries, differing cultural perceptions
- Change/classroom management, education quality
- Computers in educational administration, multimedia environments
- Distance education, information systems for education/training support
- Education economics/finance/accountability, marketing in education
- Educational leadership, systems/strategic planning
- Globalisation and education, organisations as learning communities
- Individual professional learning portfolio, teaching staff professional development
- Knowledge and education, lifelong learning, competences development
- Management in higher education, management of curriculum/e-education
- Policy analysis/evaluation of institutions/study programmes
- Political, economic, social, legal, cultural environment; public policies management
- Research methods in education/school/school system improvement
- Transactional education, student/teaching mobility, m-learning