Kawruh Jiwa: The Relevance of Ki Ageng Suryomentaram's Leadership Concept to the Leadership of Junior High School Principals in Semarang City

  • Tomy Muhlisin Ahmad Universitas Negeri Semarang
  • Fakhruddin Fakhruddin
  • Nina Oktarina


The purpose of the study was to examine, analyze and develop the concept of leadership, namely the relevance and implications of the values of Kawruh Jiwa Ki Ageng Suryomentaram on the leadership of the principal. The results of the study prove that the concept and value of Kawruh Jiwa Suryomentaram can be applied to the leadership of the principal because of its universal nature. Kawruh Jiwa functions to create a healthy personality that focuses on kandha-takon which is based on a pengawiyakan pribadi process that is used to ngudari reribed internal and interpersonal faced by the principal. The quality of Manungsa tanpa tenger in Ukuran IV: jiwa Kramadangsa is not bound by an exclusive identity, but raos sami, raos bebas and raos bungah as characteristics of humanism whose principle is to understand raos piyambak then we will weruh raos liyan. Personal Manungsa tanpa tenger places every reribed through introspective behavior as a mboten raos leres attitude. The ngudari reribed technique as part of the means of making feelings through kandha-takon in Junggringan which aims to convey the idea of a healthy raos experience that gives birth to raos sih which plays an important role in relationships between school members to avoid conflict and serves as a guide for leaders to think, behave and act appropriately in harmony. These moral principles and values are expected to optimize performance and avoid conflict to achieve more advanced visons missions and school goals.

How to Cite
Ahmad, T., Fakhruddin, F., & Oktarina, N. (2022). Kawruh Jiwa: The Relevance of Ki Ageng Suryomentaram’s Leadership Concept to the Leadership of Junior High School Principals in Semarang City. Educational Management, 11(1), 36-45. Retrieved from http://journal.unnes.ac.id/sju/eduman/article/view/61825