• Joko Widodo Kampus Unnes Bendan Ngisor, Semarang, 50233
Keywords: Performance graduates, PPS Unnes


Hasil penyelenggaraan pendidikan PPs Unnes perlu dikaji peran dan kinerja lulusan sehingga dapat diketahui prospek pengembangan kinerja lulusan dan langkah pengembangan pendidikan PPs. Permasalahan yang diteliti adalah (1) Seberapa singkat masa tunggu lulusan? (2) Seberapa tinggi tingkat kesesuaian bidang studi dengan pekerjaan? (3) Seberapa besar kesempatan meningkatkan dan mengembangkan ilmu? (4) Seberapa besar kesempatan promosi dan pengembangan karir di lingkungan kerja? (5) Seberapa besar dampak hasil studi terhadap kinerja lulusan? Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis kinerja lulusan yang mencakup (1) masa tunggu lulusan, (2) kesesuaian bidang studi dengan bidang pekerjaan (3) kesempatan meningkatkan dan mengembangkan ilmu; (4) kesempatan promosi dan pengembangan karir; dan (5) dampak hasil studi terhadap kinerja. Metode penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian survey. Simpulan dalam penelitian ini adalah (1) 86,2% lulusan menyatakan sudah bekerja pada saat mendaftar S2, (2) 83,8% lulusan menyatakan pilihannya sesuai bidang studi, (3) 91,3% lulusan menyatakan sejak masih kuliah sudah mendapatkan kesempatan menerapkan dan mengembangkan ilmu yang diperoleh di lingkungan pekerjaan, (4) 40,1% lulusan menyatakan mendapatkan peningkatan karir dan promosi pada saat studi berlangsung, (5) 88,8% lulusan menyatakan hasil studi di PPs sepenuhnya dapat diterapkan untuk pelaksanaan pekerjaan. Saran adalah (1) Perlu dilakukan sosialisasi dan pemberian informasi kepada stakeholders, (2) para lulusan perlu menjalin komunikasi dengan pimpinan lembaga kerja.

The provision of education is necessary to study the role of PPs Unnes and performance of graduates so that they can know the performance of the development prospects of graduates and educational development steps PPs. Problems studied are (1) How short a waiting period graduates? (2) How high is the level of compliance with the employment field of study? (3) How big is the opportunity to improve and develop the science? (4) How big is the chance of promotion and career development in the workplace? (5) How much of an impact study on the performance of graduates? This study aims to describe and analyze the performance of graduates that includes (1) graduates waiting period, (2) compliance with the field work field of study (3) the opportunity to improve and develop the knowledge, (4) promotion and career development opportunities, and (5) the impact of the results Study on performance. This research method is a survey research methods. The conclusions in this study were (1) 86.2% of graduates claimed was working at the time of registering S2, (2) 83.8% of graduates expressed preferences for the field of study, (3) 91.3% stated since I was in college graduates have the opportunity implement and develop the knowledge gained in the work environment, (4) 40.1% of graduates claimed gain career advancement and promotion at the time the study took place, (5) 88.8% graduate studies at the PPs stated fully applicable for the execution of work. Suggestions are (1) Need to socialize and to provide information to stakeholders, (2) the graduates need to establish communication with the leaders of labor organizations.

Author Biography

Joko Widodo, Kampus Unnes Bendan Ngisor, Semarang, 50233
Prodi Manajemen Pendidikan, Program Pascasarjana, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia


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How to Cite
Widodo, J. (1). KINERJA LULUSAN PROGRAM PASCASARJANA UNIVERSITAS NEGERI SEMARANG. Educational Management, 1(2). Retrieved from