Informed Consent in Health Services: How are the Patients' Rights Protected?

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Candra Istiningsih Dwi Wahyuni
Batari Laskarwati
Noer Muthmainnah Al Qulub


This study aims to analyze the rights of patient in medical services case on Batara Siang Hospital. This study was triggered by various problems regarding the privacy rights of patients in health services. Informed consent is an explanation by the doctor related to the condition of the patient's illness and the medical action that the doctor will take to cure the patient and then from the explanation explained by the doctor get the consent of the patient or the patient's family. Before giving emergency measures, the Batara Siang Hospital also applies an informed concentration Republic of Indonesia Health Minister Regulation Number 585/MEN.KES/PER/X/1989. This study revealed that Batara Siang Hospital always applies Informed Consent before taking medical or medical measures, but for emergency cases it is excluded because it concerns the lives of patients.

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How to Cite
Wahyuni, C. I. D., Laskarwati, B., & Al Qulub, N. M. (2020). Informed Consent in Health Services: How are the Patients’ Rights Protected?. Journal of Law and Legal Reform, 1(4), 591-604.
Research Article


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