Money Ransom as a Criminal Sanction in the Persecution Case

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Sukartono Sukartono


The criminal acts of persecution committed by the people of Sitimulyo Village, Pucakwangi District, Pati Regency must be sanctioned with monetary fines, with the low economic community the head of the local police station applies monetary sanctions which are considered deterrent against other punishments. . This study aims to, 1) describe the criminal sanction of maltreatment with a money ransom, 2) develop knowledge within the framework of Indonesian criminal law, 3) provide an understanding to the villagers in the village of Sitimulyo about the punishment of ransom money for the criminal act of persecution. This research is an empirical study or it can also be called field research that examines its money ransom sanction in Sitimulyo Village, Pucakwangi District, Pati Regency. This research includes empirical research. Data collection method through observation, interviews, and documentation. The author uses a qualitative deductive thinking method in analyzing this problem, namely the process of approaching from the general truth about an event or event resulting in the truth on the same event continuously with a money ransom penalty is very effective compared to national law and Islamic law.

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How to Cite
Sukartono, S. (2021). Money Ransom as a Criminal Sanction in the Persecution Case. Journal of Law and Legal Reform, 2(3), 377-390.
Research Article


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Personal Interview

Interview, Adi Santoso, Perpetrator of the Crime of Persecution, 30, August 2019

Interview, Pak Agus Sulistiyo , Head of Sitimulyo Village , 30, August 2019

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