Access to Justice for Disability in the Perspective of John Rawls Theory (Case of Demak Regecy Indonesia)

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Maulana Fahmi Idris


Disabilities are people who experience physical, intellectual, mental, and / or sensory limitations for a long period of time who in interacting with the environment may experience obstacles and difficulties to participate fully and effectively with other citizens based on equal rights. For this reason, disabilities must be given access to public facilities that are more compared to normal humans, in order to fulfill a sense of justice. This research aims to find out the meaning of accessibility for persons with disabilities to achieve John Rawls's version of justice in Demak Regency. The research method used in this research is this type of research is qualitative legal research using a juridical-empirical (non-doctrinal) approach, which is this type of research to find out how the law is implemented. In this case the author wants to know how the implementation of the theory of justice according to John Rawls in fulfilling the accessibility for persons with disabilities to achieve the version of Justice John Rawls in Demak district. The results of this study indicate that: first, accessibility for persons with disabilities is the fulfillment of proper public facilities for persons with disabilities to facilitate their activities. Secondly, accessibility for persons with disabilities in Demak Regency is still minimal because public facilities are still focused on normal humans and there are several public facilities that not yet available so that John Rawls' version of the theory of justice has not been achieved.

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How to Cite
Idris, M. F. (2021). Access to Justice for Disability in the Perspective of John Rawls Theory (Case of Demak Regecy Indonesia). Journal of Law and Legal Reform, 2(3), 391-400.
Research Article


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Laws and Regulations

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Statistic and Document

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