Study of the Verdict of Constitutional Court on Regional Leaders Election Dispute in the Province of East Nusa Tenggara in 2018

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Simplexius Asa


The election has been a momentum of the people to flourish democratization and open pathways to advance the development of the area. Since then, eleven (11) local elections took place in NTT in 2018 consisting of 10 (ten) local elections to elect the local officeholders at the district or municipality level and 1 (one) regional election to elect Governor were held simultaneously on 27 June 2018 in which 50% of the elections filled a lawsuit against the dispute of the local election result to the Constitutional Court in which all submissions were rejected due absence of legal standing and inadequate reason. The study is made to scrutinize and to understand the local elections that took place in 2008 and 2018 and the disputes for the reference of the prospective regional leaders participating the 2020 election contest. The qualitative documentary research uses descriptive analytical approach to examine the implementation of the Constitutional Court rules and regulation were based on three (3) conditions namely (1) the authority of the Constitutional Court; (2) the legal standing of the supplicants, and (3) the tolerance to the time allotment. The outcome shows that 3 (three) things attributed to the decline of the lawsuit by the Constitutional Court namely (1) the delicacy of the juridical status and insufficient legitimate reasons of the claim; (2) the inability to persuasively present substantiation in the court; and (3) the invalid legality of the lawsuit.   

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How to Cite
Asa, S. (2022). Study of the Verdict of Constitutional Court on Regional Leaders Election Dispute in the Province of East Nusa Tenggara in 2018. Journal of Law and Legal Reform, 3(4), 567-588.
Review Article
Author Biography

Simplexius Asa, Faculty of Law, University of Nusa Cendana

Dr. Simplexius Asa, S.H., M.H., is a lecturer at the University's Faculty of Law, specializing in Procedural Law. Responsible for teaching the following courses: (1) Criminal Procedure Law; (2) Civil Procedure Law; (3) Philosophy of Law; and (4) Legal Research Methods. Apart from being active as a Lecturer, he also works as Head of the Center for Human Rights Studies, Intellectual Property Rights, Population, Gender and Children (H2KGA) Institute for Research and Community Service (LP2M) Undana. Obtained a law degree from the University of Nusa Cendana Kupang, as well as a Master's and Doctoral degree from the University of Indonesia.


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