Implementation of Registration of Ex-Customary Land through Complete Systemic Land Registration in Pemalang Regency

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Sekar Arum Rahmawati
Gassa Hadibroto
Ana Silviana


This research means to determine that application through ex-customary land enlistment and that obstacles experienced in the application of old land registration in two sub-districts in Pemalang District. The oncoming how used is a sociological juridical approach. This type of research is qualitative research, namely research that describes or describes how the applicable laws and regulations are related to their implementation practices, which will then be analyzed. This study also found that applications for ex-customary land were starting to be registered by the village government, where this program was initiated by the central government in the Complete Systematic Land Registration (PTSL) programme. This programme is also based on few agendas, namely, determining the location of the program, selecting a committee as adjudication, followed by counseling, correcting physical data, and synchronizing land objects with witness of ownership, issue judgment on granting soil rights, bookkeepinfg and issuance of soil title certificates and transfers. right. Giving in the form of a certificate itself aims provide legal certainty and legal protection for the owner of the land object. The obstacles faced are the boundaries of the soil parcels that are not in appropriate with the ready-made certificate. The conclusion of the implementation of land registration of ex-ulayat land in Pemalang Regency is registered by the village government through the Complete Systematic Land Registration program.

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How to Cite
Rahmawati, S. A., Hadibroto, G., & Silviana, A. (2022). Implementation of Registration of Ex-Customary Land through Complete Systemic Land Registration in Pemalang Regency. Journal of Law and Legal Reform, 3(4), 431-456.
Research Article
Author Biographies

Sekar Arum Rahmawati, Faculty of Law, Universitas Diponegoro

Sekar Arum Rahmawati, S.H, born in Tegal City, October 23, 1998, the author is the 4th child of 4 siblings and a student who is currently studying at the Diponegoro University Notary Masters class 2021. The author also graduated from the Faculty of Law, Semarang State University (Unnes), graduated with a predicate Cumlaude in 2021. Taking interest in Agararia and Notary Civil Law.

Gassa Hadibroto, University of Essex

Gassa Hadibroto, is a student currently studying at the University of Essex majoring in the faculty of medicine in England. The author is the 2nd child of 3 siblings who was born in England on December 2, 2001.

Ana Silviana, Faculty of Law, Universitas Diponegoro

Dr. Ana Silviana, S.H., M.Hum, is a Notary Lecturer at Diponegoro University. The author also serves as Chair of the Notary Masters Study Program at Diponegoro University and is an Expert Lecturer in Civil Law. The author is also actively participating in activities such as Case Study-Based Training and Student Centered Learning (SCL) Class III Learning Activities in 2021 UNDIP Community Institute Services (P2KKN). In addition, the author also actively publishes National and International Journals. The author is also active in student and educational activities, especially in the Semarang city area


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