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Dicky Budhi Setyawan


The background of this research is, Serayu Adventure Indonesia is a rafting operator who first stood in
Banjarnegara district, Central Java, officially licensed from FAJI, as well as having a professional guide-guide.
Masalahan focus in this study: 1) How program planning activities Rafting Adventure in Indonesia Serayu
Banjarnegara? 2) How perngorganisasian people who handle whitewater rafting in Indonesia Adventure
Serayu Banjarnegara? 3) What is the direction of the implementation of the program activities Rafting
Adventure in Indonesia Serayu Banjarnegara? 4) How to supervise the implementation of program activities
rafting in Indonesia Adventure Serayu Banjarnegara? This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach. This
research sites in Serayu Adventure Indonesia, Banjarnegara district. Objectives of this research are, Manager,Treasurer, Person-technical person in the field, Guest, and rafting instructor. Data collection methods are used,
namely, observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of this study are, 1) Serayu Adventure
Indonesia already have a clear plan of work program in accordance with its vision and mission. 2) In
Indonesia Adventure keorganisasiannya Serayu management has setrutur organization and a clear division of
tasks. 3) The process of directing in management Serayu Adventure Indonesia implemented directly by a
manager. 4) Monitoring systems management activities Serayu Adventure Indonesia made in accordance with
the steps of the research process is pengendalian.Simpulan, 1) Planning made by management Serayu
Adventure Indonesia goes according to the stages of the planning process, 2) Organizing conducted by
Adventure Indonesia Serayu management run in accordance with organizational basics, 3) process
management directives are carried out Serayu Adventure Indonesia made directly by a manager or head, 4)
Monitoring conducted by the management Serayu Adventure Indonesia run in accordance with the process
control measures . The suggestions are: 1) Making programs more creative and add a vehicle of interest, 2) He
adds so much ease vice chairman of a manager's performance. 3) to facilitate operational ditambahnya
pengarungan.4 boat) rides ditambahnya children untul attract more visitors.

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