A study concerning the design and construction of the measuring equipment vital lung capacity using gas pressure sensor MPX5100 ATmega16 microcontroller based. This study aims to get a piece of equipment that has a relatively better accuracy than existing analog spirometer. In addition, lung vital capacity can also be displayed in the digital numbers on the LCD screen. data retrieval method breathed a vengeance after first filling or inhale maximally and then remove as much as possible in the design gauges vital lung capacity. Calibration of the data by comparing the results of measuring devices vital capacity of the lungs with air spirometer being owned by the Department of Public Health Laboratory Unnes FIK. The overall results of testing using measuring instruments lung volume, the average lung capacity viltal adults (students FMIPA Unnes particular) have a vital lung capacity of 2414.396 cc, with 98.6% precision tools.
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