Développement des Vidéos d'Apprentissage de la Compréhension Orale Pour le Matériel Vivre Dans une Famille Destiné Aux Étudiants du Section de la Pédagogie de Français


  • Diva Aliyah Hidayat Universitas Negeri Semarang Author
  • Neli Purwani S.Pd., M.A. Universitas Negeri Semarang Author




Listening skills, French language, Learning video


This research draws on the needs of teachers and students for learning support, particularly in terms of unit 3 (living in a family) to increase the achievement of learning objectives. By researching and identifying potential problems, researchers found that students felt that the media provided for living in a family did not make a significant contribution to their understanding and that the media was less interesting to listen to, while teachers considered that the existing media materials did not clearly explain the detailed presentation of the family members. Therefore, adding learning materials will help students enrich themselves. To overcome this problem, this research aims to develop learning videos tailored to students' basic listening skills. This research uses 5 stages of research and development methods, namely (1) potential and problems, (2) data collection, (3) product design, (4) design validation, and (5) design review. Data collection in this research used a questionnaire method to analyze potential and existing problems. The result of this research is a listening comprehension skill learning video, created using the Plotagon application. The video consists of four videos adapting the lesson on unit 3 (living in a family) contained in the book Trends A1. After going through the validation and revision stages based on expert feedback, the video is ready to be used as a learning tool.


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