Knitting Democracy, Separating Restraints: Legal Reform and a Critical Analysis of Article 256 of the New Criminal Code and its Impact on Freedom of Speech
Article 256 of the Criminal Code, Freedom of Expression, Democracy, Human Rights, Regulation of Demonstrations, IndonesiaAbstract
In Indonesia's democratic landscape, the presence of Article 256 of the Criminal Code has become a crucial point in discussions on freedom of expression and human rights. This article, with its criminal provisions for demonstration organisers who do not give prior notice to the authorities, poses a significant dilemma. The threat of imprisonment for up to six months and/or a maximum fine of Rp10 million raises deep questions about the space given to citizens to express their opinions in public spaces. This research uses normative legal research methods using statutory, conceptual, comparative, and futuristic approaches. The nature of this research is descriptive-prescriptive. The data that has been collected is analysed using the content analysis method. This research conducts an in-depth exploration of the implications of Article 256 of the current Criminal Code, which threatens criminal sanctions for organisers of unannounced demonstrations. This research investigates how this regulation has the potential to curb individual freedom of expression in public spaces, as well as its impact on the quality of democracy and the maintenance of human rights in Indonesia. The findings of this research confirm that Article 256 of the Criminal Code is a step backward in democratic practice and jeopardises freedom of expression. The research underscores the urgency of revising this regulation to ensure that the right to express opinions in public, as mandated by Law No. 9 of 1998, is protected as a key element in democracy and human rights. This reflects the importance of maintaining public space as an arena for free discussion and criticism, which is at the core of a healthy democratic system.
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