Teacher Education Students’ Perceptions and Motivation in taking a Pre-service Teacher Professional Program

Nofita Hapsari(1), Sandy Arief(2), Teguh Khaerudin(3),

(1) Department of Economics Education Universitas Negeri Semarang (UNNES)
(2) Department of Economics Education Universitas Negeri Semarang (UNNES)
(3) Department of Educational Studies, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia.


This study aims to examine students’ perception of PPG-SM3T on motivation to participate the teacher professional education program. PPG-SM3T is a professional development program for pre-service teacher in Indonesia. Data for this study were collected from 186 students of economics education using a survey questionnaire. The findings showed that students’ perception of PPG-SM3T positively associated with motivation to participate the program. In addition, the study found that a majority of participants realized that teacher professional development program is significantly important to prepare them to be professional teachers. They also raised concerns, challenges, and the need to participate PPG-SM3T. Findings also suggested that providing information and active socialization on PPG-SM3T may motivate them to participate in the program.


Perception, Motivation; PPG-SM3T; Teacher Professional Education Program

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