Mistina Hidayati(1),

(1) SMP N 2 Jatilawang


The purpose of this research is to improve the quality of Social Studies learning. Learning Social Studies using "Snakes and Ladders" technique is expected to improve the quality of Social Studies learning and to improve students’ achievement. This was a class action research and the subject of research was class VIII B, SMP Negeri 2 Jatilawang. This research focused on improving the processing skills and the achievements of Social Studies learning in class VIII B SMP Negeri 2 Jatilawang. This Class Action research involved Social Studies teachers and used questionnaires, observation, documentation and test for data collection. Data on the processing skills were collected with observation by the researcher assisted by teacher partners. The learning achievement was collected with test results taken from the end of each cycle, and then processing skills and academic achievement were compared between before and after the research. In addition, the results of each cycle were supported by students’ responses. Data on students’ achievement were obtained from daily tests scores before the research comparing with the scores of each quiz cycles. The research was done in 2 cycles; each cycle consisted of 4 meetings. Based on the data above, it can be concluded that the application of  “Snake and Ladder” technique in Social Studies can improve students’ involvement in various learning process for  the achievement was 80.2% or 29 students (the performance indicator was 75%). The second performance indicator was at least 85% students achieved 64, the minimum score of KKM at the last test of the II cycle with the achievement was 88.89% or 32 students.


Processing Skills, Learning Achievement, “Snakes And Ladders” Technique, Social Studies Learning

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