Developing Learning Media Based on E-Learning on Accounting Subject for Senior High School Students

Cipto Wardoyo(1),

(1) Department of Accounting, Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia


This research aims to create the accounting learning media based on e-learning that uses Moodle software. It was one of e-learning applications which could be used in the learning activities and it was easy to be created.  It was a Research and Development study which used Borg and Gall model. The stages of the research were: the initial needs analysis, the initial product development, the expert validation, the first revision; the limited field tests; the second revision; and the final product. The material validation was performed by the materials experts; whereas the media validation was performed the media experts and users (students). Findings show that there is 100% validated by the material experts and 96.67% by the media experts; 81.49% by the users (students), and thus the average validation was 92.72%. It means that the learning based on e-learning for accounting subject using Moodle application is very suitable in learning process. Thus; it is suggested to teachers to use the learning media based on e-learning.  Then, facilities and infrastructure in the classroom should be provided in order to support the optimal utilization of the media.


Developmental Media; Used Moodle Software

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