Amin Tohari(1),

(1) Program Pascasarjana Politik dan Pemerintahan


This paper tries to show a shift in social identification Indonesia after
decentralization. Identification of Indonesian society is no longer sufficient
menggunakaan read only religious or ideological basis. Post-New Order
social identification back to the community is the identification of a local
basis, is considered pure, and genuine. Using the case of emerging and
strengthening indigenous movement and the basis of social identification
that is attached to it, this paper finds that indigenous movement as a politicalmovement managed to emerge and be recognized. But sentiment was used by indigenous local elite to gain importance in the local political arena. This sentiment is also a mechanism of exclusion inkulsi and other groups outside themselves relating to their rights to the resources in the area. Not infrequently he is a source of social tension. Decentralization and the emergence of social identity, citizenship melokal shows an increasingly
serious problem.

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