Adhy Putra Tama(1), Rulita Hendriyani(2),

(1) Jurusan Psikologi Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Negeri Semarang
(2) Jurusan Psikologi Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Negeri Semarang


Abstrak. Sekolah berdasarkan sistem pembelajaran dapat dibedakan menjadi dua yaitu coeducational school dan single sex school.Data studi awal memperoleh hasil bahwa siswa coeducational school dan single sex school memiliki tingkat kecerdasan interpersonal yang berbeda.Penelitian ini bertujuan membuktikan apakah ada perbedaan kecerdasan interpersonal pada dua jenis sekolah.Jenis dan desain penelitian adalah kuantitatif komparasi. Populasi penelitian yaitu siswa kelas XII coeducational school dan single sex school. Teknik sampling pada coeducational school menggunakan total sampling dengan jumlah yaitu 65 siswa.Sedangkan pada single sex school digunakan teknik sampling kuota dengan jumlah 65 siswa.Alat ukur penelitian adalah skala kecerdasan interpersonal dan dianalisa secara inferensial menggunakan independent sample t-test.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tidak ada perbedaan kecerdasan interpersonal antara siswa coeducational school dan single sex school. Uji hipotesis diperoleh hasil nilai signifikansi 0,281 > 0,05. Hipotesis penelitian ini ditolak, siswa coeducational school dan single sex school mempunyai tingkat kecerdasan interpersonal pada kategori sedang s/d tinggi.Peneliti memperoleh kesimpulan bahwa tidak ada perbedaan kecerdasan interpersonal antara siswa coeducational school dan single sex school.Saran penelitian yaitu sekolah yang memiliki siswa dengan kecerdasan interpersonal dalam kategori tinggi diharapkan dapat mengembangkan program yang bertujuan meciptakan generasi muda dengan kecerdasan interpersonal yang lebih baik.


Kata Kunci: Kecerdasan Interpersonal; Single sex school; Coeducational school


Abstract.School based on learning system can be divided into two namely coeducational school and single sex school. Early study data obtained results that students of coeducational school and single sex school had different levels of interpersonal intelligence. This study aims to prove whether there are differences in interpersonal intelligence in two types of schools.The type and design of the study is quantitative comparison. The study population is the students of class XII coeducational school and single sex school. The sampling technique in coeducational school using total sampling with the amount of 65 students. While the single sex school used quota sampling technique with the number of 65 students. The research tool is the scale of interpersonal intelligence and analyzed inferential using independent samplet-test.The results showed no differences in interpersonal intelligence between students coeducational school and single sex school. Hypothesis test results obtained value of significance of 0.281> 0.05. The hypothesis of this study was rejected, coeducational school students and single sex school had interpersonal intelligence level in medium to high category.The researchers concluded that there was no difference in interpersonal intelligence between coeducational schoolgirls and single sex schools. The research suggestion is that schools that have students with interpersonal intelligence in the high category are expected to develop a program that aims to create a younger generation with better interpersonalintelligence.


Interpersonal Intelligence; Single sex school; Coeducational school

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